As you know if you've been following my blog, I had a cycling accident recently that has left me in a cast (details
here). The plaster cast was replaced by a fibreglass one at the fracture clinic on Thursday, and while talking to some of my art friends later that day, a crazy, silly idea came to me.
Karen Ellis at
The Art House Studio does a live Ustream every Friday evening in which she does some sort of wonderful painting or mixed-media piece of art while chatting live with her viewers, so I thought it would be fun to challenge her with an unusual 'canvas'.
The result is fabulous! We joked about putting her business card in all the area fracture clinics to drum up business!
I have a wedding to attend on June 6th, so we also joked about needed it to be 'elegant' and I worried about what I could wear with it. That's when Linda/Rappy suggested that I could dress it up with pearls. Well, I don't have any pearls, but I did audition a few alternatives. LOL What do you think Linda?
Because of the cycling accident, Karen thought it needed a bicycle on it! What you can't see is all the collage bits from a cycling map, that ironically even includes bits of the actual rural roads on which I was cycling that fateful day. There's also dictionary text including 'bicycle' and 'crash' as well as some safety tips and cycling etiquette. My favourite is the bit that says "Don't litter" (especially Gatorade bottles!!!).
You can watch the recording of the Ustream video
Karen, thank you so much for being such a great sport! What a fun art experience!