Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Doodling and Exploring a New Technique...

A little while ago I watched a YouTube video done by my friend Carolyn Dube, in which she used pan pastels and stencils to create a journal page. It looked like a lot of fun, and I needed a quick 'art play' so I gave it a try. I used my Stencilgirl peacock feather stencil, designed by Kae Pea along with colours that you'd expect to see in real peacock feathers.  I just love those colours!
I wanted a really soft, almost slightly blurred background so I used a very soft brush to gently brush over the page, pulling out from the core of the feathers. I probably should have stopped here since I love this...but I didn't...

I then grabbed the stencil and a permanent black pen and I traced the stencil a few times, filling it in with little cross hatch marks.

At this point I added my text and then put another feather up at the top, this time using only part of the feather.  Random swirls and dots filled in some of the border areas before I did a bit of journalling in the space under the two feature feathers.

I'm not sure why I had such a hard time getting good photos of this page, but the black is really dark (unlike the deep grey that you're seeing in these images).

The end result isn't as wonderful as the vision in my head was, and I sort of wish I hadn't covered up that beautiful background.  Oh well, I know how to recreate it!


  1. I think it's great, I love the soft colours behind the black.

  2. This is gorgeous. Love your posts and look forward to them as I learn a lot, may I ask what kind of permanent pen did you use? Thanks. Lissa 💜💜💜.

    1. Thanks Lisa, I use all sorts (Micron, Pitt, Itoya) but my new favourite is the Uniball Vision. Make sure it's a Vision and clearly says waterproof/fade proof right on the pen because Uniball makes other pens that are not permanent! The flow beautifully and are less expensive than most! They're also widely available (Staples, Walmart, etc.)

  3. Beautiful page. We certainly like to work in the same colours. You may have just inspired my next quilt palette. I couldn't decide what colours I wanted so this is pushing me in my new direction.

    1. Thanks Judy. Aren't those colours fabulous. I just love turquoise and the greens and purples play well with it.

  4. I love what you did - I love the soft peacock background. And I really love that you took the risk and took it farther even though you loved it as it was! The PanPastel softness was such a great background choice for your detailed pen work!

    1. Thanks Carolyn. I love the Gelli plate method for sealing it. Works beautifully!

  5. I love this! It has so much 'flow' and the colors are gorgeous! Thank you for sharing! I love pan pastels too!!

  6. WOW! l love this stencil and what you did with it!

  7. Love the colors and the stencil design (I need this one now) and the doodles..... so awesome!

    1. Thanks! The link for the stencil is in the post. Have fun shopping!

  8. I love your doodles Linda!! Your pan pastels really give the impression of the softness of feathers- so cool!

  9. I have seen your blog and love your woks fibre and art jounal.
    This page of feather is fabulous. Great technique.

    1. Thank you. I'm glad you're enjoying your visit to my blog.

  10. Wow..I love what you did here. Love that stencil and this technique. And the swirl doodle border really completes it. Love it!!

    1. Thanks Michael. It's a fabulous stencil and just calls out for my favourite colours!


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