As some of you may know from a few of my previous posts, I've been struggling to recover from depression as the result of a concussion. This inspires me as a way to bring joy to others while hopefully helping myself heal. In keeping with the guidelines set out by Jane and Lyric, I will post about simple, random acts of kindness I have done, not in a bragging way, but to hopefully inspire you, my awesome readers, to do some similar 'kind' things. When going through the drive thru for coffee, pay for a coffee for the person in the car behind you; smile at strangers; hold the door open for someone; let someone ahead of you in line...
I'd love to hear your ideas for little acts of kindness that you have done or are considering doing. I'd love to have more ideas of things we could all do to make the world a little better for all of us.
Hi Linda, I'm so glad to have found your blog, through Lyric's blog. Your fiber-art and your beading are beautiful! I've posted my first Kindness Chronicles today too. I hope you are feeling better.
Linda in San Antonio
Thanks Linda. I'm so please that you've 'stopped by'. Your comment is an act of kindness that you can add to your list. It has brought a smile to my day! I love that Lyric and Jane have started this Inspiring us all to make a difference!