Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sketchbook Challenge Journal

As you may know, I've been participating in this year's Sketchbook Challenge, but with my own fibre twist.  Although I have recently started playing a bit with a pen and paper sort of journal, when the year started and I decided to participate in the Sketchbook Challenge, I decided to make a fabric journal using my interpretation of the monthly themes.  In addition to the Sketchbook Challenge pages, I decided to include some of the wonderful art quotes that I had collected.

You may have seen some previous blog entries as I finished pages, but the last 6 months were sort of neglected.  Well, I finally got back into it (art everyday!) and the journal is finished.  All of the images were altered/enhanced using Photoshop before being printed onto fabric and then incorporated in the journal page.
January's theme was Highly Prized.  Casey, my dog, represents the unconditional love and natural mothering instincts (even to a kitten) that I prize.  She knows how to relax, loves to go for walks and even at 11 years old, she romps like a puppy in new fallen snow.

February's theme was Opposites.  For this one, I played with light and dark and experimented with the effects that changing the background colour would have on the colours I was using.

March brought the theme Spilling Over.  It also had me struggling through some real frustrations with my health and the image literally represents what was going on with me.  Enough said.
Branching Out/Out on a Limb was the April theme.  I decided it was time to take a risk and try journalling on paper.  I drew a silly character, did some writing then photographed it.  I added the title text in Photoshop and it was ready for printing.

May's theme was Resists so I went back to using paper and paint for this page.  As always, I added the title text in Photoshop.
The theme Pathways for June had me playing with photo collage.  Yes, that's me as a little girl, but since our road trips involved 9 people when I was a kid, we travelled in a big station wagon and not a VW bug.  However, later my oldest brother did have a bug and it's just so much more fun than a Galaxy station wagon!

 July's theme was Elements. Since I procrastinated on this page, it wasn't done until recently, thus allowing me to use a photo I took of my Chinese lantern's late this fall.  I love the intricate lace and the bright orange seed exposed inside as the orange skin erodes away.
 For August's theme, Everyday Objects, I cheated a little by taking a photo of a piece of fibre art I had recently finished on which I had thread sketched a pair of scissors.  I guess it's not really cheating since the original art is mine too!

September brought the birth of another great niece.  The theme was Unfurled, and I couldn't help noticing that the first photos of Abigail had her fits tightly clenched but as time passed her little hands seemed to unfurl.  
October's theme was Views.  This theme had me going back into my photo archives for this photo which I took in a church in PEI in 2007.  I love the reflections and shadows that the design in the window created.
Imaginary Animals was the November theme.  Last week I went to see the Marc Chagall exhibit at the AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario).  Chagall seems to incorporate a chicken in many of his pieces and he had other interesting animals, some certainly imaginary.  When I got home I was inspired to draw this imaginary creature using the bright colours Chagall used in some of his works. I also loved the quote, also by Chagall.

December's theme is Trashed, Ruined and Decay.  This summer, the town of Magnetawan suffered a tragic fire that ruined the old historic general store as well as June's Restaurant.  For the town folks and all the cottagers in the area, it is a tragic loss.
And the final quote.

Thanks for visiting!  Please leave a comment~I love to hear from you.


  1. Gorgeous sketchbook journal Linda!

  2. your sketchbook pages are great! I love fabric and fibers in books! very cool.

  3. Thanks Katie. They were a lot of fun to make.

  4. I really like your sketchbook. It reminds me of the altered books I've made. So much fun and so addicting. Love all the color.

  5. Wow! This work of art is such a great way to encapsulate what you have done – and been through – this year. I love it. Just wish I could see and touch it in person. I am a fiber artist, too, and by participating in The Sketchbook Challenge in 2012, I'm hoping to find new ways to merge what I am doing on paper with what I do on cloth. Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Sue and Susan, thanks for your comments. I love to hear what others think and especially when they are people whose work I admire!

  7. fabulous Linda!! good for you for doing every one of the challenges, and so beautifully! I look forward to the 2012 Sketchbook Challenges!
    great work!

  8. Linda I can't find an email to contact you directly at so can you email me at I'd like to feature your journal on the SC blog.

  9. Wow! Thank you to everyone for the wonderful feedback. It was a fun project and I certainly plan to participate again in 2012.

  10. Wow- this is really wonderful.

  11. Linda...your sketchbook journal is such an insight into are truly an amazing artist...inside and out...I look forward to reading more of your blog....


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