
Friday, May 9, 2014

You've Got To Love Garage Sales...

For some time now, I've enjoyed Lori Vliegen's art journalling, and especially the pages she's done in her copy of Sherwood Forlee's Walls Notebook .  So, you can imagine my delight when I found this pristine copy of the Walls Notebook in a garage sale book bin for only 50¢!  I'm not a garage sale shopper for the most part, but this is another perk of walking a dog on weekend mornings.

I've decided to use it to record some of my favourite quotes, so I created my personal 'title page' on the blank page opposite the copyright page.

 It started as just a plain yellow brick wall, so I wrote in the text, framed it with some doodled lines and then attached it to the wall with some short chains. 
A bit more colour and some shading and it's done.  I think this will be a fun way to play with my 'artful' writing while recording some favourite quotes along the way.


  1. Linda I love your style of writing- I've come to know it as yours! What a cool find! 50cents? SCORE!!!

  2. Wow, great find! I have followed Lori's blog for quite some time and enjoyed her creativity with this book. I look forward to seeing what you do in it.

    1. Yes, it was a lucky find. I'll have fun with this over time.

  3. Linda! Me too! I learned shadowing from Lori! And she gave me permission to use a card I made for mothers' day based on her style! She is a sweetie pie! Love what you did with the book!


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