
Monday, May 12, 2014

Quick Play...

I was in the mood for some more 'instant gratification' art so I played with some acrylic paint and plastic wrap.  I got the idea from this "One Minute Muse". It's actually not as instant as I'd like because I did have to walk away and wait while the paint dried, which of course takes longer because of the plastic wrap...

I realize I should have watered down the paint more so I would have achieved the same sort of washy effect as the woman in the video. I'll have to try this again.

However, once I started adding some black and white doodles to it I began to really enjoy the look I was getting. Certainly not instant any more, but the doodling stage was a lot of fun!

Have I mentioned that I can't just watch TV any more? It drives my husband crazy, but I have to have something else in my hands, whether it's some hand stitching, doodling or a new jigsaw puzzle app on my iPad (that I've become a bit obsessed with of late).

Maybe it's my life as a foster mom to future dog guide puppies, but that word POOP jumps off the page at me (x2). LOL  Maybe I shouldn't have turned the page upside down as I wrote "doodle" all around the border of the page. ;o)


  1. Similarly afflicted, must have something in my hands...I do like the way you have "seen" all the different areas. Love it.

    1. Thanks Pat. LOL...not such a bad affliction to have!

  2. This is fantastic! I love how you divided up the spaces. Very creative!


  3. This is very cool! It looks almost like a map (and I saw "poop" too! I have two dogs. LOL). I had to stop doing things while we watched TV, because I'd get engrossed and then ask my husband a million times, "What happened? Who is that again? Where are they going?" :)

    1. Thanks Kathryn. I must admit I do sometimes get to the end of an episode and realize I don't know what happened. LOL Oh well, it's just TV right?

  4. I love the way that 'poop' jumps out of the word doodle there ! And adding the doodles to the paint works wonderfully !
    I feel the same way about having something in my hands while watching TV ... 'cept I want the controller !

  5. awesome! will have to try this. found you via the stencil girl blog


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