
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Fun Found Items...

The other day I was going through some things and I found a bag of goodies that my friend Jan gave me at a Christmas get together.  Inside was this package of Scratch to Draw paper.

I reached for my high tech tweezers, usually reserved for fine manipulation of tiny things...but they were the first pointy item I got my hands on and I knew they'd be great for scratching into the paper (they stick mentioned on the package seems to have gone missing!).

I used Carolyn Dube's buildings stencil because it has a nice variety of interesting blocks. I was thrilled with the bright colour and the effect of the tweezers scratching into the black looked great (in my humble opinion LOL).

 I made a variety of different sized 'building blocks' :o) and then stacked them in a finely balanced arrangement.  I played with various background ideas, but in the end I decided that I liked the contrast of the blocks on the white page so I left it as is.

I added some text, a bit of shading and a simple doodled border and called it done!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Jean. I usually start with a quote in mind and create the art to illustrate it, but this time 'round I searched for a quote that would work with my balanc

  2. Very cool. I have never seen scratch paper. I like the way that it is kind of serendipitous how the colour works out. Great stencils too!

    1. Thanks Jo. As it turns out, you can buy it at the dollar store. Lol

  3. Fun! Do you remember doing this with crayons? How sophisticated, not to mention easier on the hands, to be able to buy it instead.

    1. LOL...not sure how sophisticated dollar store 'art' materials are, but it was fun to play.

  4. How fun Linda! Your quote speaks hugely to me as I am working on this at this time! ")Thanks for sharing

    1. Thanks Jackie. I think it's something a lot of us need to work on!

  5. Great! This reminds me of a scratchboard artist I knew on Kaua'i! But scratchboard is just black and white. How fun to get all those colors! Was it thick like a board or more like paper? You can see some of her pieces here:

    1. Thanks Minerva. This is just a coated paper, but real scratchboard would be fun to play with too. I'll check out the link. Thanks

  6. Brilliant! I love all of the different blocks you were able to make with the one stencil!

    1. Thanks Raine. It's a great stencil...lots of different elements.


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