
Monday, March 3, 2014

The Beauty of Hand Dyed Threads!

As you know if you've been following my blog, I've been having fun exploring snow dyeing lately.  Along with some fabric, I've been dyeing crazy amounts of cotton threads to use in my hand stitching.  I am totally in love with variegated hand dyed threads!  I make skeins of the threads for the purpose of dyeing it, but I find it easier to store and work with if I take the time to wrap it on the little cards usually used for embroidery floss.  This way, I can store them in my plastic, colour coded DMC floss boxes along with the floss and other hand stitching threads.

Without babbling on any more, let me just show you my newly dyed stash:

I've got an idea brewing in my head for a piece I want to start that will involve crazy amounts of hand stitch with my new stash of fabrics and threads, both from this last little batch and from the results of last summer's dyeing fun.

On a side note, my friend Kit Lang does some incredible art, often using painted paper towel.  Well Kit, here are all the paper towels that got dyed in the clean up or thread dyeing process.  You've inspired me to try to do something with it...I don't know what yet, but something!


  1. Nice work Linda. We certainly have copious amounts of snow.

    1. Thanks Leah. Yes, I had to do something with the f*&%ing stuff! LOL

  2. Oh dear! See what my question started? A new obsession is born. LOL!!

    1. I hadn't dyed anything since was high time I got my hands all stained and colourful!

  3. Beautiful threads! I understand dyeing one color, but wouldn't know how to begin dyeing variegated! Good thing there's people like you who know how, or stores where I can buy some! But yours are just so beautiful! ♥

    1. Thanks Minerva! It's easier than you think. Just use eye droppers to drop various colours on the different parts of the skein. Be careful to consider what will happen when two colours meet and mix and just play!

  4. I used to dye my own yarn after spinning it. Used natural dyes from around the property. Haven’t done any in a long time. Your dying is many different colors.

    1. Thank you Genie. Using natural dyes sounds like a great idea. I need to do some research into that.

  5. I love your site, especially your double-page work! Very inspiring. I must come back and browse more when I have a little more time =)


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