
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A Little of This and That...

I finally got around to painting some more fabric so that I can start working on the art quilt that will include all the thread doodled eyes I've been doing.  You can see the eyes here, here and here if you missed them.
I've also been doing some more art journalling, preparing the March calendar spread.  I'm using Inktense pencils and it's interesting to see the before and after as I work.  If you're not familiar with Inktense, initially they look and feel like pencil crayons, but once you take a water brush to them the incredibly vibrant pigment is activated and they come to life!


It's also interesting to see how they react differently to different paper.  This Canson journal has different textured paper front and back, so when doing an open spread like this you're dealing with two different papers.  The right hand side is a beautiful mixed-media/watercolour type but the left side is a smoother bristol board like paper and it just doesn't give you the same variations in the colours. However, you can't sweat the small stuff so for my purpose this will be just fine!


  1. I love that piece of fabric, but I would be using it as a winter sky! Isn't it funny how we all see something different in a piece of fabric?

    1. Thanks Anne Marie. You're right, it would make a stunning winter sky. I'll keep that in mind!

  2. Love the painted fabric, very abstract and I do have some watercolor pencils (which I haven't used in an eternity), but I don't think they look quite that vibrant when water is added. I need to check out those you have!

    1. Thanks Kim. You'll love Inktense. I have other watercolour pencils, but they just don't compare. Besides Intense are permanent on fabric too!

  3. Linda, I never released that about the sides of the paper being different- how odd! Love those vines you made! And I love my inktense too! have you used the blocks-I think I might like those also!

    1. Thanks Jackie. I haven't used the Inktense blocks, but they are on my list of wants!


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