
Friday, February 28, 2014

More Snow Dyeing...

After my experimentation with snow dyeing last week (here and here), I couldn't resist doing a little more. I got some comments from people who don't have snow (lucky for them!), but I understand this can be done using ice cubes too, so you could always buy a bag of ice, or make lots of your own and see what you get. I'm sure if you Google it you'll find some helpful tips.

This time around, I used several colours in the same bin: yellow, green, red, purple and black. I used one larger piece of fabric (about ½ a metre) as well as two skeins of thread.

Here you can see the bin in three stages, the first with snow piled on the fibre, then with the Procion MX dye powder sprinkled on and the snow beginning to melt.


 I'm not as happy with the resulting fabric this time.  Although the colour mix is good, they're too soft and pastel for my liking.

Enter some Procion H that I have in my stash.  It's idea for silk painting or dyeing threads and silk rovings, but I decided to play...

Notice I don't really care for wearing gloves. LOL

Notice all those little brown spots on my finger tips?  After showering and washing my hair (washing your hair is a great way to clean up stained hands BTW), I saw all these little spots.  I figured out they are where the dye went deeper into my finger tips thanks to all the little puncture wounds from hand stitching.  Did I ever mention that I've never been able to get used to using a thimble?

Anyway, back to the's what it looks like now, after the addition of the Procion H liquid dye.  Now this is something I can get excited about!

I'll be back Monday to show you all the threads that I've dyed over the last little while.  Until then, have a great weekend!

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