
Friday, March 7, 2014

Oh, Look...a distraction...

I haven't been working on much lately in my studio...I think between the winter blahs, the Olympics, and other distractions I just haven't been very motivated.  I am still working on this hand stitching piece that I've given you a couple of peeks at previously (here and here) but it will be a while before I finish that.  I'll need to listen to a lot more TV to get that piece done!

As if I didn't have enough distractions, last week I finally gave in to myself and bought an iPad.  I've been resisting for a long time, but I finally decided to use a little of my retirement gratuity to treat myself!  Talk about distractions!  I'm reading more, playing around with new apps (Have you seen Paper by 53?) and just learning all the wonderful things I can do with this great new toy.

I did think I should make a little protective sleeve for it for when I'm out and about with it, so I pulled some commercial fabric from my stash (I've just about completely stopped using it for my fibre art) and set to work making a very simple 'case'.  The idea is that I can just easily pull it out when I want it, so there are no closures.

Okay, I changed my mind...I've added a simply button and elastic loop closure just so I don't have it fall out because I'm caring it upside down.

If you have any favourite apps, I'd love to hear about them!

See you Friday...


  1. Check out Waterlogue for your photos. I love that little app. Lots of fun, and know you will enjoy your I pad!

  2. can't help you there Linda- I haven't given in to the new gadgets-yet! have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks Jackie. It's finally warming up a bit so I'm sure I'll get out for some nice long walks with the puppy! I hope your weekend is great too!

  3. I'm technically challenged but I really love your 'squirrel' moments as my family would say.


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