
Monday, March 10, 2014

A Few More Threads and a Puppy Update...

For those of you that have been following me for a while, you'll know that I am a foster 'mom' to a future dog guide puppy through the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides. Well, Dime turned 6 months old a couple of weeks ago, so I thought I'd share this with you so you can see how he's growing.  He's such a smart little fellow and is so very well behaved! I'm so proud of the little guy*!
(*I weighed Dime on Saturday and 'little guy' is 25kg/55lbs)

I've also got a few more hand dyed threads that we're still drying when I did  Monday's post so I thought I'd show you those too.  These are a slightly thicker thread, but I love the colours I've achieved, especially that last one.

Have a fabulous weekend!


  1. Cute puppy! Bbare you still usung MX and snow?

    1. Isn't he adorable! He's going to make someone an incredible service dog! And yes, both procion MX and some procion H. Just using up bit's and bobs from the other dyeing fun.

  2. what a sweetie! and I love your threads

    1. Thanks Kathy. Dime is such a smart and beautifully natured dog!

  3. Sweet puppy! And beautiful dye job! Wow! ♥

    1. Thanks! I hope you're having a great week Minerva.

  4. Oh Linda, Dime is soo adorable! However are you going to let him go? I would be having separation anxiety! ")
    I love your fibers- your colours are so delish!

    1. Thanks Jackie. I hear that often, but if you know going in that you are only going to have them for a short time before they go off to do incredible, life changing work so that someone else can enjoy independence, it becomes an exciting experience that your proud to be a part of! Without foster homes to raise the puppies, programs like these would be impossible, so I'm just so honoured to be able to help!

  5. I would love to win these stencils they are great!


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