
Monday, March 17, 2014

I Needed More Eyes...

In Friday's post I had begun to put together the faces I've been thread sketching for the last few months.  However, as I was working on the piece this weekend, it became evident that I needed a couple more faces.  So, out came a stack of books and magazines so I could find some inspiration.

After doing a few rough sketches on paper I was ready to trace my drawings onto dissolvable stabilizer and then sit down at the sewing machine and thread sketch.  

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


  1. Great job Thread Sketching!!! I know how hard it is to free motion on a sewing machine! Love these!

    1. Thanks Janet. I love doodling, whether it's with pen or thread!

  2. I can't even imagine doing doodling on a machine! Yowza! Happy St. Paddy's to you too!

    1. Oh Minerva, it's so much fun! Give it a try some time...just play and have fun!

  3. Hi Linda - I can't wait to see the final quilt project! I find your work so very I want to try using some dissolvable stabilizer - is there a brand you find you prefer?


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