
Friday, March 14, 2014

The Fun of Working Intuitively...

Over the last couple of months, among other things, I've been sketching and thread doodling close up images of faces, focusing on the eyes.  It's now time to start putting together the vision I have in mind for this piece.  

The thing I love about working in the intuitive manner that I do, is that it becomes a bit like a giant puzzle.  I have a rough image in mind, but no real plan of attack.  I've cut each of the thread sketched faces out so that when sewn up they will have a 1/4" clearance between the seams and the thread sketching.  As such, none of the pieces has square corners.  This of course is in keeping with my mental image of the piece.

The fun comes in laying the pieces out in a rough layout and then attaching various strips of the hand painted grey fabric so that I can make it work and all fit together.  As you can see, I've also added some narrow black bits here and there just to give greater contrast and keep the eye moving.  Did I mention how much I love this processes?!

I'll keep playing with this over the next few days and hopefully I'll come up with an arrangement I'm happy with.  Back to it...bye for now.


  1. Very interesting work. It will be great to see how it progresses!

  2. Enjoy your puzzle! It should definitely be interesting to pull it together. LOL!

    1. Thanks Anne Marie. I hadn't realized that you and I both work in much the same intuitive manner.

  3. Really graphic design! Seems like it's a different style for you...or maybe one I just haven't seen yet! Love it!

    1. Thanks Minerva. I'm not sure I have a style per say, but this is just another fun exploration of ideas that are constantly floating around in my head!

  4. Very intriguing work Linda, I really like this graphic style!

    1. Thanks. Its always fun to try something a bit different!

  5. Hi Linda,
    This is great post! Thank you for sharing ..
    I just wanted to let you know that I just made a post about your visit to the BAC … so if you get a chance - please have a peek and let me know what you think!
    Thanks so much and stay warm and safe.

    1. Thanks Barbara. I'll go check it out right now.

  6. Love it. I remember when I thread painted eyes and I found that it was very addictive. I still haven't done anything with my samples but they're on my design wall and percolating in my brain. I had nothing as involved as what you've done. Can't wait to see the finished piece.

    1. Thanks Leah. I'm really having fun with this piece. You'll have to show me your eyes some time. And yes, they are totally addictive!

  7. I'll keep checking in to "See" where you are at next! ")


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