
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Adding Text...

I've decided on a title, 'The Secrets Within', and I'm ready to add some text to the 'eyes' piece I've been working on for the last while. The first step was to paint some 'Wonder Under' fusible webbing.  I learned this technique from Linda Kemshall on DMTV. 


One of the nice things about this technique, which is really only suitable for larger text, is that you don't have to worry about reversing your words/letters which makes it easy to trace your text, cut it out and then apply it to the fabric.  

I cut the letters out while listening to TV but now I'm thinking I should have had a more organized system (other than a bin in which I dropped all the letters) so that I would have had an easier time of sorting the words and putting the text on the actual quilt top. Oh well, maybe next time...

Hopefully I'll be ready to show you the next stage on Friday.  Until then...

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