
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Colours of Spring

Today in Beyond Beyond or 2B as we refer to it, Kim taught us another, easier way to create colour palettes in Photoshop Elements.  I love creating these from my photos, and sometimes use them for inspiration in my fibre art or art journalling.
Raw image right out of the camera

I know I've told you this before, but I also love Lightroom 4!  It opens up so many incredible possibilities.  I've learned how to create my own presets, so that I can apply several steps of an edit to an endless number of photos.  Again thanks to Kim and 2B, I was able to create a preset today that would warm up an image and give it a bit of a hazy, dreamy effect.  The best part is that because I've created a preset for it, I can now apply that same effect the other images with literally just one click!

There are so many wonderful things that can be done when you combine the best of both of these programs.


  1. Beautiful color board, Linda !
    And I love the hazy, dreamy effect you applied on your lovely tulip photo !
    Kim's lessons are great, really love 2B :-)
    Nice evening,

    1. Thanks Sylvia. It's quite the change from the original image. I agree, 2B is fabulous. Even better than BY was last year.

  2. Stunning colors! Beautiful work with the color board!

    1. Thank you Tammy. I'm learning so much thanks to all of Kim's great tips and tricks!

  3. Wonderful storyboard. Met at Beyond Beyond!

  4. Beautiful tulips. Met at Beyond Beyond!

  5. just lovely Linda... so good!! amazing edit....


    1. Thanks so much Kim. Thanks to you I'm learning so many wonderful things. I'm loving 2B! Even better than Beyond last year! Every week I come away some at least one new piece of knowledge and it's a great way to learn because I think things 'stick' better because it's a little over a long time instead of the other way around. I know you get a lot of positive feedback, but I really want you to understand how much you are appreciated! Hugs, Linda

  6. I agree with the having the best of two programs. I really like what you did with your preset and color board.

    1. Thank you Carol. It's quite amazing looking at the before and after!

  7. Lovely work, Linda. Great preset you made. Perfect.

    1. Thank you Sherry. It's so easy to create beautiful images when you start with such lovely flowers!

  8. Oh my goodness, some of my favorite colors! I love it, even the raw image is just beautiful.


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