
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Standing Cat Visits Toronto...

Sometimes you just have to play and sometimes all the elements just line up.

Element #1: A challenge...  Bonnie's challenge for Photo Art Friday this week is to create a collage.

Element #2: An idea...  A few weeks ago I send an email with the "mere cat" image to a number of family and friends.  My son responded by sending me with a list of about 8 or 9 links of images of the same cat in a variety of other places and scenarios, letting me know that there apparently are more where those came from.

Element #3: A photo...  On Saturday, while walking around in downtown Toronto, I took the above shot of the iconic Gooderham Building (also often referred to as the Flatiron Building) in the St. Lawrence Market neighbourhood.  As I continue to learn to use my camera out of 'auto' mode, there are sometimes some mistakes with focus, exposure, etc. (BTW, I did correct things and get a great, clear shot too).  I decided to see if I could have some fun playing with this image and the standing cat (although I see I got the wrong cat!).

Element #4: A concept...  I decided to make the cat a tourist visiting Toronto.  Thus the bag with the souvenir CN Tower inside, as well as a lovely big fresh fish from the St. Lawrence Market.  I was considering a classic Canadian touque or a Blue Jay's ball cap, but when I saw the good old 'cat in the hat' hat I just had to go with it.  I love the bright pop of red that it brings to the image.

Element #5: An inside joke...  My son is just finishing up his first year at U of T's Faculty of Law and something he told me on Saturday inspired me to find the law school logo and use it on the shopping bag that the cat is carrying.  I'm hoping this brings a bit of a smile to his face while he studies for the 6 gruelling exams he is facing in the next couple of weeks (now get back to work Lucas! =P).

Following last week's "graffiti' challenge, I just have to share this other image.  I saw this old mattress that someone had put out for garbage and it became a canvas for graffiti.  In an area where there was no other available large blank surface, this artist used what was handy!


  1. I just love your cats :)
    Best whishes.
    Mormor Norway.

    1. Thanks Annemor. I was just being silly this week!

  2. Hysterical, Linda! Your art is always so fun and inspiring!

  3. This turned out great! Love the cat and the blur of the building!

    1. Thanks Jeanne. I'm celebrating my silly side this week! LOL

  4. Delightful!! So creative ... imagine taking home the CN Tower! Isn't it fun how ideas evolve. I'm with you in celebrating silly, Linda!!!

    1. Thanks Bonnie. I'm already thinking about the next challenge. I've got the perfect image to start I took last summer.

  5. Oh my goodness this is funny and so creative. You did a great job with this.

  6. What a fun piece...loved it

  7. Now I think you really do love to play and you do it so well. I love your finished piece but more than that I like how you explained your thought process. It is great for me, learning to play.

    1. Thank you Miriam. Playing is so important. We have to hang on to our inner child!

  8. This whimsical touch just made me laugh. Nice work!

    1. Thank you Stephanie! Have a great, silly weekend!

  9. Love your cat in the hat - what a hoot!

    1. Thanks Pat. Have a playfully delightful weekend!

  10. Silly is good. Necessary. and in this instance gorgeously rendered!! I love the idea of the cat visiting Toronto. gives me inspiration for a giraffe story.


    1. Thanks Currie. Giraffee story...okay, you've got my attention. :o)

  11. That put so much needed smile on my face!

    1. Thanks Ewa. I'm so glad I could lighten your day.

  12. This is WONDERFUL! HUGE smile form me. I Love the depth of field you have created and how you've described your thought process. TO is not one of my favorite places, but you have made it delightful with this!

    1. Thank you Electra. I'm so glad everyone is enjoying my silliness!


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