
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Just The Right Inspiration

For a few weeks now, I've been meaning to create a journal to record my thoughts as I work through a book called Healing From Trauma by Jasmin Lee Cori (which I highly recommend if you're looking for this sort of book).  Anyway, I hadn't quite decided on the format I wanted to use until my friend Kathie told me about Valerie Sjodin's art journalling.  Valerie is an incredible artist and she has created a number of stunningly beautiful art journals.  This gave me a jumping off point.  I loved the idea of some interesting edges and flaps as well as little pages within the bigger ones.  

Once I had the journal bound, I got started on the first spread.  I've decided to call it 'a healing journey', so the journey begins with that first spread.  I've mentioned in the past that it is my goal to do Art Every Day because I find it very relaxing and even healing at time.  Today was no exception.  As I started working on the page, thinking about things as I worked, I felt the burning need to start journalling.

I stopped working on the overall spread so that I could quickly finish the lower left area in which I knew I wanted to do some journalling so that I could get my thoughts down on the page.

Once I had written down my thoughts, I got back to finishing the rest of the page.

I incorporated part of a map into the top of the page and drew a bicycle to represent my other passion, cycling, which is another vehicle (no pun intended) for allowing myself to work through issues when I just need some 'zen' time to burn energy and think.  Those endorphins do wonders!

Here's the finished spread:


  1. Linda,
    This journal is beautiful! I love it!!!

    1. Thank you so much Valerie. That means a lot coming from you!

    2. This is just stunning. I have also admired Valerie's work....what a wonderful inspiration for your journey.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Diane. Hope you're having a great weekend.

  3. Really great design of the page. It really flows.

  4. This is absolutely beautiful Linda. So sorry you have had such an experience but am happy to see you have found a way to work through it. Healing indeed is a journey. Hugs!

    1. Thank you Asha. I truly believe the phrase "Art is the answer..." I find my art is such a help with all of the healing...yes, it's a journey but who doesn't like to travel, right!

  5. love love love this is really wonderful. i am inspired...

  6. Love it! So inspiring...maybe I will actually begin! Thanks for this!!

    1. Thank you Barb. Have fun...I'm glad I could give you the inspiration to get started too!

  7. Fantastically artful!! I'm sorry something bad had to be the catalyst to your creating something so good. Your journal is helping you heal, and also providing beautiful eye candy for us. I've been wanting to start an art journal for ages, and I think your post here might be the inspiration I needed! Now I just need to figure out how to bind pages, and I'll be off and running (or riding my bike, lol).

    1. Thanks so much. I'm so glad I might be the inspiration you needed to get started on your journal project. That's what I love about blogs and facebook...the networking that gives us all the inspiration and gentle push to move forward!

  8. What a fun creation - and I really enjoyed seeing the steps you took to get there.

  9. Thank you for sharing, as always, Linda. I've signed up to take the class. It looks like a lot of fun.

    1. Thanks Christine. I've just signed up myself. I'll have to just watch and learn for now, but once my cast is off I'll be playing again!


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