
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Not Your Average Chipmunk...

I don't often take video, but in the summer, when my little friend Charlie was coming to visit for peanut treats, I decided to document it by using the video camera on my iPhone.  You may be getting sick of hearing this, but Lightroom is amazing!  Today in Round Trip, I learned that you can very easily capture jpeg images from video you've shot.  That's how I got this wonderful series of me feeding and patting my little chipmunk friend.  

You might also enjoy an older post in which I've included a short video of my giving one of the chipmunks a bit of a back rub.  This particular chipmunk would come up on my lap to be patted even if I didn't have any peanuts for it.

It's quite amazing, but we've taught our Golden Retriever, Casey, to leave the chipmunks alone.  All I have to say if one comes up on the deck is, "Leave it Casey.  That's mom's friend." and Casey will just watch it and not bother it at all.  They have become so used to one another that the chipmunks will sometimes go up and sniff her paws while she's sleeping.  If she notices she just lifts her head and looks at them.

And it would seem that she can tell the difference between chipmunks and red squirrels (which can be very annoying and destructive) because she'll chase them away if they come on the deck.  She's one smart dog!


  1. Wow! What an adorable pictures, I can't believe the chipmunks are so tame, Gorgeous!! :)

    1. Thanks Morag. It's a wonderful experience to have them come and visit like they do.

  2. That is just amazing. He is very cute.

    1. It really is...I fed chipmunks as a kid when we went camping, but now that we've got a cottage, I guess they have more time to get to know and trust me.


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