
Sunday, February 10, 2013

I Really Need Some Discipline...

My plan for yesterday was to do some sewing.  I've got several art quilts in process that I really want to finish (honest!).

Enter Joanne Sharpe and her Letter Love 201 online class...  I know I can do these 'lessons' whenever I want.  I don't have to keep at them because as Joanne always reminds us, "You bought the book! You have these lessons forever!" But they're just so much fun.  I can just sit at my desk with my pens and watercolours and play all day.

After dinner I finally 'forced' myself to spend an hour sewing... and then you won't believe what happened... Yup, I was back at that damned desk with a pen in my hand...

Anyway, here are a couple of pages I did.  I love both of these quotes. In fact, if you look closely at the page with the white writing you'll see that I used these same quotes under the large focal word on the respective pieces.

Can you tell that Valentine's Day is coming soon?


  1. Your art is wonderful! Thanks for making my snowed in weekend tolerable!

    1. Thank you Sandy. I'm happy to be able to bring a little sunshine to your snow filled weekend. We got the big storm on Thursday and Friday, so we've already managed to dig out. Now we're just waiting for the ice rain that they've forecast to arrive later today. Spring can't come soon enough! :o)

  2. i love what you did!
    i am inspired to take her class.
    i just dont know which one to take .
    you are an artist. a true artist .
    i am a beginner .
    so can you make a suggestion as to what would be good for me?

    1. Thanks so much! It depends on what you want. If you want to improve your own hand lettering, start with Letter Love 101. It's mostly lettering, but with artful ideas to go with it. Color Love 101 is great for colourful art ideas, but if you like to add quotes to your work you'll want to start with the lettering. I would recommend Letter Love 101 first, then Color Love 101 and if you get as addicted to Joanne's classes I have, then take Letter Love 201 as your third class (that's the one I'm doing right now). Have fun. Remember, you have access to the lessons forever and there are Facebook groups for all of them so that networking and sharing is a lot of fun too. Plus you get inspiration from seeing what everyone else is doing. I'd love to know what you decide. Keep me posted Faygie.

  3. Oh Linda, I know what you mean...quilting has taken a back seat for now. Thanks to Joanne and my new obsession! How do you find time to make all your fabulous art and blog and FB? Love your blog, mine is sorely neglected at the moment!

    1. I'm so glad there are other's who can relate to the JS addiction! At least we're in good company. And thanks for the sweet comments about my art and blog. They keep me sane...well, some people might question that but...

  4. Oh I just love what you are doing here!! I totally understand. I spent most of the day on the couch watching movies and making my cover for the 'Color Love 101' it!!!

    1. Thanks Danielle. I guess if we have to get hooked on something this is a lot healthier than drugs or alcohol LOL.

  5. I LOVE that quote from The Little Prince! :) Your work is beautiful. I want to take this class too someday.

    1. Thanks Asha. Yes, it's a wonderful quote. You'll love the class when you take it. Remember it has 'forever' access, so when you sign up you can do the classes at your own pace. I started Color Love 101 quite a while ago, and I do a lesson about once a week or so except for right now because of Letter Love 201. I'll get back to Color Love eventually...

  6. Linda, You have a lot of discipline!! Can't believe how many posts you crank out each week. That is one of the reasons I didn't take Joanne's class this time. I was afraid everything else would get put on hold!! Thanks again for all of your beautiful art.

    1. Thanks Lynda. I can see your reluctance, but I just had to sign up and I'm so glad I much fun!


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