
Friday, February 8, 2013

Polka Dot Letters and Words...

Here are a few of the fun pages I've been doing while taking Joanne Sharpe's latest online class, Letter Love 201.  It's a great way to get into an art trance and just doodle!

The word collage was done on an old dictionary page.  The coloured border/background is done with pan pastels.

The lettered page below, on the left, was just not popping for me, so I added some polka dots to all of the letters in my first and last name (I had to add an extra 't' because initially there was only one) and then I gave it a bit more of a colour pop too.

If you need something to pass the time, figure out where the extra letter was squeezed in on the second image.  It shouldn't be too hard since you already know it's a polka dotted 't'.

And finally this last piece for today...I think I'm getting a bit carried away with all the polka dots and the 'bee' is just way to cutesy for my usual style, but oh well...

As I look at the bee here, I don't think those little wings are going to support a bee that size. :o)

The jumbled letter piece was definitely my favourite of these three activities.  I can see some potential for variations on that idea.  I love the dimensionality of the layers of letters.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Sandi. I'm having so much fun with these lessons.

  2. What fun and pretty pages, Linda! I keep seeing things about this Joanne Sharpe and her lettering. I have to look into one of her classes. I think I might have even downloaded a video from Interweave by her. Well today we have snow here so it's the perfect time to play in the art journal.......and maybe catch up on my Round Trip lessons. I'm so behind, I think I'm ahead.

    1. Thanks Eileen. And yes, Joanne's classes are great. They're also very reasonably priced and you have 'forever' access so you done have to rush through them. You'll be able to work at your own pace and even revisit the class in a year from now or when ever.

  3. Linda, Just wanted to say that your work is beautiful. I have listed your blog on my own blog for a tag that I received. Hope you get some hits as a result. You are welcome to pass on if it works for you.

    1. Thanks Margie. And thank you for listing my blog on yours. I'll certainly pop by your blog to see what it's all about. Have a great weekend.

  4. Love them! Have you heard of zentangles? I "draw" those - they're just doodling too. A Google image search for zentangles will show you thousands of them. The bee is my favorite insect. My Mom was named Beatrice, and everyone called her Bea. Every time I see a bee now, I say, "Hi, Mom!"

    1. Thanks Jean. Yes, I do zentangles too. I was into doing them a lot for a while, but there's only so much time in the day... Love the Bee story. Such a nice memory of your Mom!

  5. Your work jumped right out of the gallery at Artist in Blogland - Great job!

    1. Thanks Michelle. It was a lot of fun doing this piece.

  6. Love all your artwork. The letters look awesome. Last week I took Joanne's Letter Love101 class. I'm just enjoying it so much.

    1. Thanks Ariel. I'm so glad you're enjoying Joanne's class as much as I do. I still have a few Colour Love 101 lessons to do plus the rest of Letter Love 201 and I'm having so much fun with them. I'm thinking I'll go back and revisit LL101 when I finish all these and do some of my favourite lessons again.


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