
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Work in Progress

It's been a few days since I've posted so I thought I'd give you a peek at a tiny part of a piece that's a WIP.  It's a piece that I'm planning to enter into a juried show in April, so I'll hold off showing you the entire piece (once I finally finish it) until after I find out whether or not it's accepted.

I started by machine needle felting hand dyed scraps of batting with various layers of rovings, hand dyed cheese cloth, yarns and other bits and pieces of fibres.  I've added a lot of hand stitching as well as free motion machine work on top.  I'm now adding some beading and a whimsical little surprise embellishment.  I've been working on this piece, off and on, for two and a half years.  I've never considered it a UFO though.  It's always been on my mind and sometimes just had to rest for a while as I considered possible next steps.


  1. Thanks Vicki. Hope you're having a great weekend. BTW, I was looking at the fabric you sent me again. It is soooo fabulous! Ideas are running rampant in my head :o)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks so much Dale. I'm very please with how it's coming along.

  3. I adore this color combination and I think I spy some beads in their too...lovely work...xox

    1. Thanks Corrine. And yes, there are beads! I love to add a few where ever I can!

  4. Looks nice! How big is it going to be?

  5. It's looking great Linda. I have my felting machine out and ready to start another piece. Last one ended up in trash. That is ok, just need to play more.

    1. Thank you Ruthanne. Ah...sometimes the challenge is to get past the 'ugly' stage and work it into something beautiful. If the garbage hasn't gone out yet, I challenge you to see what you can do to bring life into that piece you think is hopeless :o)

  6. Beautiful!
    The colours and the texture as well:))


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