
Sunday, January 20, 2013

More Watercolour Doodling

Several days ago, I posted about my first attempt at paint doodles and I said that I was way out of my element.  However, I'm discovering that this is really a lot of fun.  As I was working (playing) with this one, I found I lost all track of time, in a good, relaxing sort of way.

For those of you familiar with Joanne Sharpe's 'Color Love' class, this is lesson 11, so the next step will be getting out my Pitt pens and Inktense so that I can doodle over the doodles with fine black lines and add another level of depth with the Inktense.  I love the idea of adding the layers...

But, it's 4 degrees C here today (that's 39F for my US friends), which is crazy for mid-January, so I'm off for a long, lazy walk with my 'little old lady', Casey (my 12 1/2 yr. old Golden).  I'll post another shot of this when I get the next step finished.


  1. I loved the watercolor doodling too, and yours looks great! It has been uncommonly cold here (AZ) but warming up now to the 70's for a few days, so I will feel less like hibernating!

    1. Thanks Carolyn. It is fun. And since today has turned cold and blustery it's a good day to hibernate in the studio!

  2. I really love the color in this. I took Joanne's "Letter Love" class last year. I didn't realize she had a new one. I'll have to check it out. Hope you enjoyed your walk!

    1. Thanks Kate. Joanne has several on-line classes available now and Letter Love 2 is about to begin in February. Check her website for all of the classes she has. I'm really enjoying Color Love.


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