
Saturday, September 15, 2012

An Up and Coming Photographer

 I have a young 15 year old friend who is becoming quite a photographer.  His name is Jake Woodill, and he has an incredible eye for composition, as well as the patience that a good wildlife photographer needs.

Jake loves the outdoors and he will spend hours out in a kayak with his little point and shoot camera, waiting for the opportunity to shoot the perfect image of a mink along the shore, a beaver up on top of it's lodge, or these beautiful dragonflies.  It would be interesting to see what this young man could do with some sophisticated camera equipment!

I have begun a tradition of making a hardcover photo book of all of the images I have taken at the cottage for the season and I am thrilled that this year I will be able to include a page of some of Jake's work in the 2012 edition!

Thanks Jake for sharing your talent and wonderful images with me!


  1. Jake is lucky to have you for a friend. Wish I had his patience!

    1. Thanks Jean. He's really a neat kid. I'm just as lucky to know him!

  2. These are glorious! Tell Jake to keep on taking pictures! How wonderful of you to feature him here.

  3. He is obviously a talented photographer already.

    1. Yes he is! I'm always so impressed by the wonderful shots he takes.

  4. Great shots!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  5. A promise in the making.

    Great work. Please have you all a good Tuesday.

    daily athens photo

  6. Fantastic photos ~ lovely story about Jake ~ nurturing an artist can be so inspiring as well ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Linda these are beautiful! Thank you for your kind words about Jake.....I may be a little biased, but he is a great young man and has a wonderful artistic eye. I am so happy you and Bill are a part of his life :)

    1. Thank you Karina. I'm sure he'll be thrilled to read all this positive feedback.

    2. He is Linda! He had a smile on his face while reading all the wondeful comments :)

  8. He is talented. I hope his parents can get him a camera!


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