
Monday, September 17, 2012

The Beauty of Aging...

I had a lot of fun creating this digital journal page.  I tried something different with one of Kim Klassen's textures.  Instead of just using it over the photo images to enhance them (which I did by using 2 layers on each image, the first at soft light 100% and the second at screen 25%), I also decided to use it as my background 'page' for the collage.  The texture, called Autumn Burst, was the perfect choice because of the journal page holes along the left edge.  It also had the perfect colour for the warm Autumn look I was going for.

The three images were all taken in my garden last fall. I love the look of the black 'balls' left after the Black Eyed Susan's loose their petals and find them especially attractive poking out of the snow during the winter.

My favourite shot is of the wonderful skeletonized (new word?) Chinese Lantern.  It's incredible to see that perfectly round orange berry encased inside the delicate cage left after the orange skin comes off of the lantern.

I also really like the shape shape of the seed pods left after the Columbine flowers have died away.  Again, they add some interesting interest when poking out of the snow in the winter.  In the background of this last shot you can see the beautiful deep pink of our Sedum.  The Columbine's self seed very effectively and seem to pop up in the most unusual places, like right in the middle of other plants.  This can result in some confusion for folks who are not familiar with gardening since you get Columbine flowers blooming out of some odd foliage.  LOL

This photo is being linked to Photo Show OffTexture TuesdaySweet Shot TuesdayOur World TuesdayThis or That ThursdaysPhoto Art FridayShoot, Edit, SubmitFabulous FridayFlower Art Friday and Photo Friday Link Party.


  1. It's lovely, you have inspired me to get out and take some pictures of my fall garden. Where I was only seeing a sad ending you noticed beauty. Thank you for opening my eyes to the possibilities.

    1. Thanks Lori. There really are a lot of interesting 'endings' to the beautiful cycle of plants. Enjoy your new discoveries!

  2. Hi Linda,
    This is beautifully done. Love your use of Kim's texture (it is one of my favorites :))

  3. You are very creative Linda and the overall effect is soft and speaks of mellow Autumn days.
    Hoping you are enjoying a lovely week.

    "Adelaide and Beyond"

  4. Fun post!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  5. Love the textured look! A very pretty and creative image. Lovely post, thanks for sharing. Have a great week ahead.

  6. I'd love a whole strand of those chinese lanterns and I can almost see the pinwheel seed pods spin!

    1. Thank you Colleen. They really are incredible aren't they.

  7. Great composition and love the textures! Also the addition of the sticky note - I am always relying on them jog my memory! You might also like share your work on Mandarin Orange Monday:)

  8. Very nice collage! Fall photos in my yard would be pretty boring.

  9. Very beautiful. You are incredibly creative.

  10. Your photos are a real piece of art and so inspiring making me feel guilty for not being a little more adventurous myself.

    1. Thank you! Certainly no reason to feel guilty! Just play and have fun!

  11. Fun@ I really need to work on a collage as it would make me feel so good. :))

  12. Fabulous and creative. Looks great. Valerie

  13. Thanks Linda for sharing your artwork on Mandarin Orange Monday. I just realised there is another reason I like this work - the chinese lanterns. They remind me of my childhood- I used to pick them from my neighbours tree (our side of fence:) ) . So for me it has double meaning.

    1. Thanks for hosting. I'm glad my piece sparked some happy memories.

  14. a background ... very interesting idea.

    1. Thanks Margaret. It's fun to experiment and think outside of the box. :0)

  15. Well done and great share..

    Visiting from MOM- hope you can stop by..

  16. A beautifully created page! I love the skeletonized Chinese Lanterns too ;)

  17. Very nice and I appreciate the "how I did it notes" on the side.

  18. this is such fun. I love the way you've got transparent stickies stuck on the page

    1. Thank you! It was fun playing with that messy tape.

  19. what a BEautimous outcome!! I am so glad you shared your process as I was trying to understand using the textures just this way, but as with so much of this, I don't know what I don't know so I don't know what questions to ask!! and yet here you answer several and give it context, too!!

    1. Thanks Currie. Glad you were able to get something from the post.

  20. Just so creative...lovely to the eyes. thanks for sharing with us.
    Laurie @ pride in photos

  21. LOVE the "skeletonized" chinese lantern! Beautiful... such an autumn-y (new word??) look! You should visit my blog and submit it to Orange You Glad It's Friday.

    Hope to see you there!

  22. swinging back by again, Linda. still stunning and inspiring!!

  23. Beautiful piece. Love the Chinese Lantern skeleton.

  24. oh Linda! it is such a great piece. I did too used Kim's textures as a background many times. I liked the effect.

  25. I just love the idea of using the texture as the background and doing a digital journal page. Very creative!!

  26. Really a fine piece of digital artwork...lovely how you placed everything together to make a beautiful page. Sure wish I could locate some Chinese lanterns, they have always fascinated me.

    1. Thanks Liz. I found the Chinese Lantern plant at my local garden centre and they're perennials so the one little plant has spread nicely in its 3rd season!

    2. Oops!! Sorry Deanna. That should have said Deanna, not Liz.

  27. This is great! I love experimenting with digital journal pages, too.

    1. Thanks Jill. It certainly was a fun piece to work on and something I'll likely do more of in the future.

  28. these are great! I love the textures too! Thanks for linking up with Love Bug's Photo Show Off! I hope you'll link again this week!


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