
Friday, September 14, 2012

Acceptance in Seven Words

Bonnie at Pixel Dust Photo Art posed a fun challenge for Photo Art Friday this week:

this week you can use the prompt to compose a seven word sentence that describes your life or experience or process as an artist (be it a photographer, painter, mixed media artist, digital artist, whatever...) and marry your sentence to a piece of photo art that somehow illustrates your sentence.

This photo collage is being linked to Photo Show OffTexture TuesdaySweet Shot TuesdayOur World TuesdayThis or That ThursdaysPhoto Art Friday, Shoot, Edit, SubmitFabulous Friday and Photo Friday Link Party.


  1. This certainly strikes a chord with me. Last month I was really having a bout with looking in the mirror and not recognizing the person who was staring back...when did my hair go gray??? That is when I picked up the idea of an art journal from somewhere in blogland..and off I went. I just finished a two page spread from a piece I read at Elizabeth Patch's blog about women are like heirloom tomatoes. Anyway, I just wanted to say that now that I am about 5 pieces into my art journal I am really learning to be content with my aging process. Thank you for the inspiration!!!!

    1. Wow Danielle, I'm glad this hit a chord with you. In my case, I'm recovering from a concussion and dealing with coming to terms with some of the things I can no longer do or tolerate. The key is learning to accept and embrace what I can still do!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Pat. It's fun and keeps me out of trouble. :0)

  3. Great piece. I hear you. Yesterday I had to clarify this same thing to my mom who was upset to realize she is unable to do things like hang pictures anymore. She was really feeling down about it. Acceptance is hard in time like that. I too lately am starting to realize that I must accept that I'm not going to get any younger and I need to just embrace the here and now. That's what your art piece says to me.

    1. Thanks Ida. I guess we all have some issues to work through. As I said above in my reply to Danielle, it's a struggle but we have to learn to embrace those things we do well and perhaps grieve the things that we are unable to manage for whatever reason.

  4. Those words i like! Very positive:) I also like your artwork with all those layers and thoughts and feelings which you have combined so well into one.

    1. Thank you Lori. We've got to keep it positive don't we? :0)

  5. Love the photo collage! Thanks for sharing with Just JOurnals!

  6. Great idea to combine many journal pages into one piece. Very nice.

    1. Thanks Gracie. They're all pages I've done during my concussion recovery and they work to illustrate my seven words.

  7. This is a fabulous collage of your journal pages. It is so bright and energetic. Acceptance of our own self, so hard some days.

    1. Thanks Miriam. All those bright colours help brighten even the darker days. :0)

  8. This did come out very nice! How did you get a concussion? Was it recent? I just turned 65, so ditto to what everyone else was saying!

    1. Thanks Jean. I had a fall about a year and a half ago. I'm only 51 and in great physical health (I cycle 30-50 km almost daily) but it has left me with some very frustrating limitations.

  9. wow... it is amazing to learn about others in this very public but intimate way. I understand learning to live with and eventually accept "limitations." for a long while I had only seen my own disability in terms of what I can't DO anymore, and then I sort of turned a corner in late 2005. Now I am much more about embracing Right Now, NOT fretting or trying to rework the Past, nor giving in to worry, anxiety, and dread about the Future. it took me a long time to get here, but actually it didn't BEcause I am "unlimited" in my ability to focus on NOW.
    I really appreciate your sharing, Linda, BEcause in just this blink I was able to see something clearly.
    Limitations are interesting. The enclose, like your 7 words so wonderfully DO, ideas. BUT... they can also open new doors and windows and encourage travelling new paths. much of what I "can't" DO physically anymore has shown me some of my amazing strengths I'd overlooked. and the mental and emotional aspects that "limit" me have given me a clarity and a capacity to BE someone I really enJOY and like very much, too!!
    thank you, Linda, for making me take this pause and really feel my Gratitude for limitations.
    oh, and I should also say I love your collage. it is fun and funny, too, in the sweetest sort of way.

    1. Thank you Currie for such a heartfelt, thoutful comment. Keep finding Joy!!

  10. Hi, Linda. I followed your link from the Liberate Your Art postcard swap. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

    1. Thank you Candace. Glad you stopped by for a visit.

  11. What a cheerful, inspiring composition Linda!!! Love it!


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