
Friday, September 14, 2012

Seven Word Sentences...

Bonnie at Pixel Dust Photo Art posed a fun challenge for Photo Art Friday this week:

this week you can use the prompt to compose a seven word sentence that describes your life or experience or process as an artist (be it a photographer, painter, mixed media artist, digital artist, whatever...) and marry your sentence to a piece of photo art that somehow illustrates your sentence.

I've used part of that challenge to play with a photo that was emailed to me yesterday.  Unfortunately, I don't know who took this wonderful shot (as is so often the case with the photos that get emailed around), but I just had to share it with you.

I am working on completing her challenge in its true spirit, but that's not finished yet. I'll share it when it's done...


  1. Hee..heee. Although I did not take these shots, I do have several of Brutus the Bear at our wildlife park sitting in his bowl with his hand on his chest. Every time we see him like this my daughter and I laugh and say exactly what you wrote on this photo 'Where did I leave the remote.' .Too funny.

    1. That's too funny. I guess that says something about us too. Thanks for visiting Danielle.

  2. Thanks for a great laugh, this was really cute!

    1. Thank you! I just love the was its sitting like we might.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks. Looks like a real character doesn't it. :0)

  4. Love it! Look forward to seeing your PAF one too. I really enjoyed doing mine.

    1. Thanks Jean. I just thought this bear was such a funny character.


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