
Monday, June 22, 2015

Weekend Workshop with Alice Vander Vennen...

I just spent the most wonderful weekend with my Group of Eight friends and the incredibly talented Alice Vander Vennen. It was a fun filled workshop and the work that was produced was fabulous. Here are the pieces I have come away with...

We started with a couple of small exercises to get us warmed up. These were intended to be used for cards so we mounted them on card blanks.

The next exercise was a little larger, but we were still working quickly and loosely. I love the juxtaposition of the various fibres and textures combined with the minimal hand stitch.

This small square piece, framed in a 10" square frame, started out as a card, but I worked back into it a bit and decided to frame it.
These two photos are close ups of individual components of a larger piece. 

There is still a little more work that will go into this piece before it's ready to be framed.

This piece is the start of a work in progress. I honestly don't know where this will take me, but I love the relatively fast, intuitive manner in which it's coming together. Time will tell where it goes and what it becomes ;)

Wafer was a most wonderful companion during the weekend. Although she loves little silk scraps and thinks of them a bit like chewing gum, for a six month old (today's her half birthday) she did very well during the two day workshop. I'm proud of my silly girl!


  1. The one you don't know what to do with is a stack of books. You just need to embroider titles on the spines. I'm a retired librarian - I can't help it....

    1. Haha Jean, that's funny. Actually, it's already got a title. I'm calling it 'Snakes & Ladders', so no books, but I certainly see how they could become books ;)

  2. Looks like a fun workshop, Linda!

    1. It was fabulous! If you ever get a chance to take a workshop with Alice I highly recommend it.

  3. OMGosh, Jean's comment is right on. I didn't see it, read the comment, then had to scroll up again to see the photo. Yes, I immediately saw the stack of books! The colours and textures that you've used are great. I love the GOE concept. I'll have to get my own group going. (Imitation is the best form of flattery, isn't it?)

    Thanks for posting to TN&TN's WIP Wednesday, Linda.

    1. Thanks Laurel. And yes, having a small group of like minded artist working together is wonderfully inspiring!


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