
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Amanda McCavour Workshop: Culminating Project...

After creating several samples while working on exercises in Amanda McCavour's workshop (see them here and here), it was time to start work on our 'big' project.

I decided that I wanted to use a range of neutral colours. I've included a couple of in process shots of the piece at the sewing machine. Because you work with the fibres trapped between layers of water soluble stabilizer, it's very easy to threads and bits to get caught on as you sew!

I put the piece up on the design wall (stabilizer still in place) for a while to decide where I wanted to go next. Then, after adding a little more machine stitch using the ivory coloured thread, I rinsed out the stabilizer and hung it to dry.

In this final shot, I'm auditioning it on a loosely woven piece of fabric that I may use as the backing fabric for the piece. I plan to add some hand stitch and possibly some beading or other embellishments and then mount it on a stretched canvas frame.


  1. Very nice! I love the neutral colors. What a great class that must have been. I've owned the stabilizer for years, but never tried using it.

    1. Thanks Jean. It's a great've got to pull them out and start playing ;)

  2. Interesting textures and colours.

  3. Interesting piece! Must have been a fun workshop!

  4. I always enjoy your posts. This piece I particularly love. Thanks for sharing your workshop play - I am discovering new artists to enjoy. Happy weekend :-)

    1. Thanks Lynette. I've been lucky lately to participate in these two incredible workshops. It's always fun to get some new ideas and inspiration.


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