
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

DLP Week 2 Is Finished...

The art challenge for week two of DLP was to use gesso and the journal prompt was the quote "The beginning is always today" by Mary Shelley.

As is so often the case, I got busy having fun and forgot that I wanted to capture pictures of the process for those of you who requested seeing them.  This first image has several layers of found papers, pretty napkins (serviettes...or whatever you call them), and paint, applied with my fingers.

I then used a fun spiral stencil and dabbed on white gesso with a make-up sponge.

More paint was added to soften the contrast and then I added some subtle finger painted circles.

 Using a couple of different sizes of paint brushes I added more circles. I also traced along some of those wonderful spiral shapes with a black marker and added black dots to create a bit of a swirly border for the page.
More circles...
Haha...more circles in the form of bubble wrap...
And finally, some big bold text.  I chose to use a different quote with a similar theme.

I added some more white, using my favourite white pen (Signo) to highlight the text and I'm calling it done.

It's pretty busy, but I love all the layers.


  1. This is great. So many different every day things you used to obtain this strikingly beautiful image. Thanks for sharing with pictures. Blessings, Janet

  2. Gorgeous, Linda! So inspiring! Love the vibrant colors and movement and rhythm to this!

  3. Wow Linda- gorgeous color play! I love the spread!

  4. AWESOME! Just love your use of the stencils in this, and what wonderful colors. A great way to highlight this quote


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