
Friday, January 9, 2015

A Rough Drawing Becomes An Incredible Piece...

A while back, in this post, among other things I shared some rough drawings I did for an idea I had for a piece of furniture that would help me get a little more organized.

The idea was to have a "puppy unit" that would hold all of the things I need close at hand for my Dog Guide foster puppies.

My husband, a retired elementary school principal, is a self taught and very talented woodworker. You can see some of his work here and here. Bill likes to have a winter project, so I gave him my drawings and asked if he might be interested in making it for me over the next few months. He asked me to draw some more detailed scale drawings and then he was off and running. But instead of taking his time, he was determined to finish it in time for Christmas!

Yoshi and her sister Yona (visiting for a few weeks) are sitting pretty, showing off the new unit!

Obviously I need to reorganize this drawer, but I just quickly shoved everything in because my whole family was coming over for our traditional Christmas Eve festivities (a German tradition) in about an hour when this was put into place in the kitchen!

It's hard to see in the photo, but the red food bin is on a sliding shelf so that it can be pulled out for easy access. On the shelf above I keep the extra treats, clean, dry dog towels, etc.

And of course all of the toys are contained in the open bin which is easily accessible to the puppies so they can help themselves.

On the side of the unit is a towel bar to hang a wet towel after it's been used to dry off a wet dog or wipe paws.


  1. WOW- that is so cool!!! Tell your hubby - I say A fantastic make!! better patent that quick!! heehee- So cool that the two of you collaborate together- my hub and I do also!! Thanks for sharing- and kisses to those babies!!

    1. Thanks! Yes, we make a great team and the unit is working out beautifully!

  2. That's brilliant! Great design and perfect execution.

  3. That's so awesome! I need that, for sure!

    1. Thanks Robin. It's really worked out amazingly well!

  4. Love your husbands project and know your pups will also enjoy this! Awesome work

    1. Thanks Jeanne. The unit is working out fabulously to keep things tidy but within easy reach when needed!


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