
Monday, September 8, 2014

Fibre Content Opens Tomorrow!

It's finally here! Yesterday I was at the gallery helping to hang the show, and I'm so excited with the outstanding quality of the work!

I thought I'd give you a bit of a behind the scenes sneak peak...(scan down below the poster)

It's amazing how many people it takes to hang a large show like this!  Yoshi was with me, as always, and she was an excellent supervisor!

From blank walls...



Yoshi found that the job of supervising was exhausting yesterday!

We're back at it today, hanging the remaining work, adding the labels to the walls and tidying up to get ready for the opening tomorrow.

I do hope you can make it to see the show. You won't regret it!


  1. Looks like a neat space with lots of viewing. Yoshi is adorable and growing.

    1. Yes Candy. It's a wonderful venue and the art is incredible! Yoshi was so well behaved! She is such a fabulous pup!

  2. It looks great from here in Arizona! I hope it all goes well. Yoshi had too many people to watch!

    1. Thanks Denny. And yes, Yoshi earned extra treats for all her hard work over the two days of set up!


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