
Monday, September 1, 2014

A Little Stitching and a Wedding Cake...

I have not been very productive this summer with regards to my art, but inspite of the often fall like weather, we've been keeping busy and enjoying a lot of family and friends at the cottage.

I have managed a little more stitching on this piece, which will eventually become part of a larger art quilt with a literary theme.

In addition to this and a bit of art journalling as seen in the blog hop posts, I've been busy decorating cupcakes (a total of about 230) for a couple of 50th anniversary parties and a wedding.

On short notice, due to some unforeseen circumstances, I also ended up making a wedding cake for the wedding so they'd have something for the official cake cutting photos, etc.


  1. Beautiful cake! Once again, I wish I lived near you. :o)

    1. Thank you Jean. It would be great to have you close.

  2. very simple, elegant cake...well done!

    1. Thanks Stacey. I was pleased with how it turned out.

  3. Linda, that cake is so luscious looking. Did Yoshi help make the swirls? LOL.

    1. Thanks Suz...and no, Yoshi was told to keep her paws off! LOL

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Kit. It was great to be able to come up with a cake that was suitable in such short notice.


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