
Monday, June 16, 2014

The Difference A Few Stitches Make...

A while back I showed you this new piece I started. Today I wanted to share with you the difference that a few hand stitches make in finishing off this row of fused squared.

I hadn't thought to do this post until I had already completed some of it, so it's not a true before and after, but you can see just how much more interest and texture the contrasting stitching gives to those squares and rectangles. (The colour in the top shot is truer to the actual piece...the two other shots are too green/lime)

I haven't touched this piece for a couple of weeks, but I do plan to work on it more once I'm up at the cottage.  It'll be a great piece to stitch away at and I won't have to bring along a whole truck load of supplies! My thought for this summer is to have a lot of hand work ready to work on so I can leave my sewing machine and fabric stash at home and limit my art packing to a couple of bags containing fibre art needing stitch and some very basic art journalling supplies (journal, Koi watercolour set, and a couple of black and white pens).


  1. Good thoughts on packing less, let me know how that goes! heehee
    So glad you posted this as this is one of my favorites- gorgeous! And I absolutely see what you mean about the few changes make a completely different piece! Gorgeous Linda!

    1. Lol. You got me laughing over that comment. Yes, it's easy to over pack art supplies! Let's just say it may be a good thing that I have an SUV instead of a little compact. Haha.

  2. 3 Cheers for hand embroidery. I love adding hand stitches to my quilts too. Not only do I love how the stitches look, but it's so relaxing to sit and add embellishments by hand too. Love your color choices too.

  3. I love how it looks with the hand stitching. I love how soothing that can be to do.

  4. You had me at 'hand stitches'....I love any type of hand work and always, always have some hand embroidery or bead embroidery work by my side! You can see a difference with your hand work and I can't wait to see this 'cottage' piece finished!

    1. Thank you Robbie. It may be a while now that I'm fostering a new puppy, but I'll share when it's done!

  5. This is beautiful! I love it. Such a fantastic mix of colors, shape, and texture :)

  6. Love the hand stitching on this. Your pieces are inspirational!


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