
Thursday, June 12, 2014

New Beginnings...

The next few days will bring some important new beginnings for my foster puppies. 

Dime will be leaving our home on Monday to go off to 'Puppy University'.  He's been chosen to 'major' in autism assistance. I'm so proud of the amazing dog he's growing up to be, and I know he's going to do a great job helping his special person!  

He'll spend the next 4-6 months in training to learn how to do his important life work. While at school he'll also have down time to play with his classmates and get lots of loving from the people working with him too!

And this little cutie, Yoshi, will be coming into our home for the first stage of her training tomorrow.

In this photo she's only 4 wks old, but when she comes home to us she'll be almost 7 wks.

I'm excited that Dime will be able to help her make the transition, and give her snuggles, as she adjusts to her new home.

I'm sure the two of them will have a great weekend together before we take Dime off to school on Monday.

Have I mentioned how much I love this wonderful opportunity to give back by fostering these amazing puppies.  What they do for their eventual partner is life changing, and I'm so happy to be able to be a part of this process!


  1. You are a wonderful person for sharing your home and time and most of love, Linda. Kudos to you!

    1. Thanks Jackie! It's really a win-win since I get so much pleasure from doing this! And Dime has been really good for me too!

  2. Oh how wonderful! Dime is sweet and I will miss him in your posts! Can't wait to learn about Yoshi. You have so much heart to do this. Much love to you

    1. Thanks Denise. I'll miss him too, but I'm so thrilled that I could be a part of his journey. He's an incredible dog!

  3. Wow! Good for you! They both look sweet & I'm sure they will be loved! ♥

    1. Thanks! This is such a rewarding volunteer job!

  4. how sweet, Have not seen a newborn puppy for ages. :)

    Hi, found you at Bonnies.As Bonnie with PAF is taking a break and Lori with MOM seem to have vanished from earths surface we are getting short of PhotoArt memes. I already have NF Abstract but are considering starting a new “NF DigitalArt Meme”. If you are interested let me know what you think.

    1. Life is pretty busy with raising the future dog guide puppies, but let me know if you get something going and I may join in when I can. Thanks for asking!


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