
Monday, June 23, 2014

StencilGirl Blog Hop...Introducing Designs By Orly Avineri

June has been a great month for blog hops, and today I'm excited to be back to launch the wonderful new designs by Orly Avineri.  I used Orly's Sticks and Bones stencil to create this page in my journal. The page was inspired by something I overheard while in a restaurant recently.
I started by randomly painting my page with three different colours. Then, using Orly's stencil, I stenciled the skeleton using black paint and various elements from the stencil. To create the spine between the ribs and pelvis I simply isolated the spine part of the rib element. I off set the stencil slightly and over stencilled it with white paint. I like the suggestion of dimension that this overlay produced.

Using some rub on lettering I had in my stash, I added the main text, which was the comment I overheard a very anorexic looking young teenage girl saying to her mother..."Why is everyone always trying to get me to eat?"

To emphasize the word 'eat' I tore it out of magazine lettering.

I used a white pen to journal some thoughts about the sad statement the girl was making, and about healthy body image and the portrayal of young women in media.

Using some 'found objects' and more acrylic paint I made some marks to fill in some of the empty space and to sort of echo the general shape and feel of the spine.

We will have a giveaway on StencilGirl Talk. 
All comments on the hop are eligible for the giveaway. 
The more blogs you comment on, the more chances you have to win. 
Giveaway will close on Sunday, June 29th at 11:59PM Central Time

PRIZE: 5 lucky winners will each get one of Orly's new releases.

Blog Hop Order
Linda Kittmer-you are here
Janet Joehlin-next stop on the hop


  1. WOW!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE how you put all the elements together!!! FANTASTIC Linda!!! You are a smart girl!

  2. Sad statement by that young girl. It's great that you used what you heard in your piece and journaled about it. I was surprised that you had not used modeling paste for the 'skeletal' figure. It really looks 3-dimensional.

  3. Your page is outstanding, I love the background colors and the use of Orly's stencil. The rub on words are a fantastic idea. Great page

  4. Oh my, this resonnates so so loudly with me. I love the way the stencil really stands out, just like your statement. Body image is ever so complicated!

  5. really like the colours and what you have created with the stencil the wording is very relevant for this day and age

  6. I love the unusual effects that these stencils make -- layering, crunchy surfaces

  7. Love the combination of brilliant background colors, the stenciling and black and white text!
    You rocked this, Linda!

  8. Ha! Too funny Linda! Love those colors and the paste used!!

  9. The contrast of color with black and white drives home the message. Well done!

  10. love it Linda! and the background colors are fantastic!

  11. Thanks for the opportunity to win one of Orly's new stencils -- it is fun to see all the different ways artists use them.

  12. Love the colors, and the pasted skeleton, it's just great!

  13. LOVE those colors! It's awesome the different & unique ways everyone used the stencils.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Grandma Nancy

  14. I am always surprised and inspired how you weave your elements together! great job!

  15. Love your spread and how you used the stencil. The quote is so funny and goes great with the skeleton.

  16. Ya.. with my middle east background, I'd be trying to make her eat, too. LOL. Loving the colors and layers. You are mighty good, Linda.

  17. Fun to do this blog hopping! Love how each artist uses the stencils!

  18. Love the texture and the contrast with the bright colors! This turned out great!

  19. Beautiful colours and stencils

  20. The image pops off the background, like hovering about the page. Nice!

  21. Love this. The raised skeleton is wonderful. The sentiment rings true - don't eat and see what you become. Great project.

  22. Love the interplay of black and white in the stencil area, it is very effective.

  23. Wonderful use of the stencil...and quite the sad conversation to overhear.

  24. I love your style! So creative and the bright colors make me want to dive right into my art journal! Thanks for your project tutorial!

  25. What a thoughtful spread. I remember my dad telling me about an anorexic lady he worked with about 40 years ago. He had to open the doors for her, she was too weak to do it. It made him so sad that she still felt fat. Thank you for bringing back this memory of Dad. Body image is such a sad and sensitive thing for woman. Now, back to the hop! Love the stencils and that they touch everyone in such interesting ways. Thank you Linda, Orly and Stencil Girl!

  26. Cool background colors! The texture paste really adds great dimension.

  27. Great piece from a sad inspiration. It's heartening to see an artist reflect the struggles women young and old struggle with. Very thought provoking.

  28. Great social comment & fantastic got me on every level. Thank you. I can't wait to play with these new stencils & open a chocolate bar! ;-)

  29. Love your style! So creative and the bright colors you've made into something very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

  30. I really like this! The layers of texture really stand out and the colors are wonderful and the skeleton is a real focal point. So sad you overheard that in a restaurant and let's hope she gets the help she needs to live a healthy life.

  31. Very cool stencil and art! Thanks for sharing your process.

  32. Made me laugh out loud! Excellent work!

  33. Wow! That is one different stamp... I can see it being used in many different situations, I like it...

  34. A very poignant statement. These stencils are very powerful

  35. I love these new stencils! Congratulations Orly! I loved your piece Linda and love your FB updates on your service dogs in training.

  36. Nice concept, and well presented! Love it...

  37. I love everything Orly does!...bea

  38. The stencil may be starved, but your wit in this piece...isn't:) blog hopping is FUN! :) Laura

  39. Cool use of Orly's stencil. This is one of my favorite color combinations.

  40. cool idea!! have some i would like to try with these great stencils for halloween!! tfs

  41. you did a wonderful job/art with this stencil. this is the one that I think could be used as cobwebs or seaweed...too cool.
    stamping sue

  42. I enjoyed visiting your blog and seeing your use of the stencil--best part of these hops is seeing the incredibly talented artists that are out there on the web. Thanks for sharing your work!

  43. Interesting how you opposed the happy colors with an anorexic!

  44. Totally awesome job! Love the new Orly stencils.

  45. Love your piece Skin & Bones!! Thanks for a chance to win.

  46. A great piece Linda - I love the colours!

  47. Oh Wow, Orly's new stencils ad such fabulous depth to the Stencil Girl line, just love them!

  48. Love seeing each artists unique work with these new stencils from Orly, amazing! Thank you!

  49. That's quite amusing!...and very colourful. Love seeing the process, and love the stencils.

  50. Awesome work of art! Love the bright colors. And these new stencils are awesome! Thanks for sharing.

    Katie B.

  51. Fun page! The words are great and do go with the stencil so well!! Gotta love a little humor in journaling!

  52. Great choice of colours on your journal page. The stencils are awesome. I loved the way you used yours to create the 'story' line.

  53. Hilarious! I love how you took this in a completely different direction :)

  54. Beautiful journal page! Thanks for the chance to win one of Orly's stencils!

  55. I love how uncomplicated your tutorials are. i like the story you're telling, it really comes through your final piece. thank you!

  56. I really like what you did with these stencils . . . so much fun, and thank you for the chance to win. :)

  57. Great page! Thanks for the chance to win!

  58. I absolutely love your colors and stencils. I never thought of layering with the stencil! So smart on your part! Fingers crossed. Michele

  59. Amazing job, I am in awe with your use of the awesome stencil~

  60. That looks very cool! Love your page and who wouldn't love stencils from Orly!

  61. love Orly's stencils and the colors you used - great piece


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