
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Meet Yoshi...

Here she is!  My new little Future Dog Guide foster puppy, Yoshi.  My friend Leslie put this water bottle beside her so you could get an idea of just how tiny she was when she first came home!

Last weekend we participated in the Ride for Dog Guides, where the foster puppies visited and cuddled with many of the motorcycle riders that participated in the fundraiser.*

Yoshi enjoyed playing with some of the older puppies when we first arrived. Then it was time to put on their jackets and wait for the motorcycles to complete the ride.

Yoshi had the opportunity to meet Nettle, a diabetic alert dog guide who started working about a year ago.

Once the rides arrived at the end of the route, Yoshi was able to check out some of the side cars and saddle bags on the motorcycles.  She's hoping next year she can get her paws on a helmet so she can ride along!


How cool is this vintage side car?!

But the cosiest ride was Johnny's saddle bag. It was just my size!

*Dog Guides are provided at no cost to eligible Canadians from coast to coast despite costing $25,000 to raise, train and place.  The Lion's Foundation relies on donations from individuals, service clubs, foundations and corporations and does not receive any government funding. 
Dog Guides are trained in one of six programs: Canine Vision, Hearing Ear, Diabetic Alert, Serivce, Autism Assistance and Seizure Response.  To learn more about the program and how you can help, visit Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides.

Thanks for your visit today.


  1. OMG! Linda, Yoshi is beyond words adorable!!! The pictures and poses show his little personality!!
    Oh how I would love to kiss his little face!!
    Again, what a wonderful thing that you do with these dogs, and kudos to the Lions foundation of Canada as well!! xo

    1. Thanks Jackie. BTW Yoshi is a girl! And totally adorable!

  2. Oh my gosh, Yoshi! That precious face!
    What a wonderful thing you are doing, Linda!! Love your passion for this amazing cause!

    1. Thanks Mary. It's great volunteer endless supply of puppy love and kisses!

  3. Adorable...and for such a great may be hard to part with her in the future but again, it's so worth it!!!

    1. Knowing how these amazing dogs change lives makes me proud to send them on their way!

  4. How cute is this darling little girl She is just too precious.

  5. How cute! She looks so comfy in that saddle bag.

  6. What a cutie! He's going to bring so much joy to your house while you train him. How do you ever let go?

    1. Yes she is! She is an absolute delight to work with and her training is going so well. Once they're ready to go on, I'm just so proud to send them off knowing that they will be doing such wonderful life changing work for the clients!


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