
Thursday, February 13, 2014

I'm Featured on StencilGirl Talk Today...

I'm featured on StencilGirl Talk today to show how I used a Jane LaFazio stencil to help with some design elements in this predominantly hand stitched silk piece I'm currently working on.  I hope you'll pop on over to see what I'm doing.

Have fun and I'll see you tomorrow.


  1. Hi Linda,

    Your work never fails to amaze me! Just recently discovered you...through Stencil Girl, I think. Love your works in fiber and on paper. Totally inspiring!! And, you're self taught???!! Congratulations on your success!

    1. Thanks Deborah! I have taken some classes along the way, especially Joanne Sharpe online classes, but I tend to Google things a lot when I want to know something 'right now'. In fact, I just Googled snow dying...we're up to our eyeballs in the stuff so I might as well do something creative with it!

  2. Hi, Linda! This piece reminded me of my love of hand embroidered art! I used to do it a lot, but am trying to focus on painting now. But just had to say I love this beautiful piece! So full of texture! Can't wait to see it done! Whoot!

    1. Thanks! You're actually only seeing one small part of it in this image... I'm really enjoying working on this piece!

  3. I saw all your wonderful pins on pinterest today and saw this one and thought it might be your work. Yummy. xox

    1. Thanks Corrine. This is just a bit of a larger piece that's in the works. I've still got many hours of work to do on it, but it's an enjoyable piece to work on.

  4. Stunningly beautiful, Linda! And now I'm dying to buy some stencils to play with in both art AND textiles, thanks to your inspiring post. What type of machine embellisher do you use, btw? Thank you - can't wait to see the finished piece!


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