
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Cupcakes and a Puppy...What Could Be Sweeter!

I had a great time creating this page...with adorable inspiration like Dime, it's nothing but fun!  It makes us laugh every time we see him sit on the steps like the lower image shows. He's such a fun and funny little character!

I've also been making more cupcakes.  I love how these little snowmen turned out.

And the monsters were a lot of fun too!

I'm not sure how or why, but Google added snow to this image of my snowman cupcake. It's cute...but I don't know how they knew it was an image of a snowman. Do they have some software that analyzes images or is there some person scanning all images and adding snowfall to any that are winter related?  


  1. you made those cupcakes??? wow!!

    1. Yes, and we ate them too. LOL I'm really enjoying making them...I just wish they weren't such a fattening art!

  2. Fun cupcakes and a most adorable pup what could be better? Love it

  3. I wondered the same thing, Linda. I have a picture of my daughter in the snow and Google added snow to that one too!

    1. I guess they have some software recognition that picks up on the snow. It's fun, however they do it. Thanks for dropping by Christine!

  4. Hey! That's so cool about adding the snow!!! Wonder how they did it!? If you find out, let us know! Love your cupcakes & your puppy page! ♥

    1. Thanks Minerva! Just one of the fun mysteries of life with technology!


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