
Friday, January 10, 2014

My Awesome Year...

The other day, I picked up a new journal and I had a great time using up a bunch of recycled bits and pieces, as well as some wonderful techniques as suggested in Creative Jumpstart 2014 (it's not too late to sign up!).

I love to hang on to all sorts of bits of paper from postage stamps, to tissue paper (especially the pretty printed ones), envelopes (especially pretty decorated ones...thank you Betty Franks!!!), old book pages, maps, music paper, newspaper text, magazine text, Gelli plate prints, pretty tea bag papers, etc., etc., etc...

Once the collaging was done, I got out the acrylic paint to add some colour and blend away some of the harsh edges.

Then I added some magazine text...a feature phrase on the front cover and several others on the back.

When I was pretty much happy with it, I added the title using Liquitex Paint Markers in white and black.  I used a black NeoColor II crayon and a water brush to create shadows for the text, a couple of extra doodles and now I'm ready to journal for 2014!

I'm hoping to do a lot more art journalling this year...after all, I've got to fill up this journal before the year is over...


  1. Absolutely love it!

  2. Love it! I must try this using all the scraps and travel brochures I've collected. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Patricia. It's fun using all those bits. Even if you cover them with paint, you know they're there even if not one else can see them!

  3. Very nice! I haven't started watching my Creative Jump Start yet, but know that they'll be there later. I've just been getting into too much trouble with other things. LOL!

    1. Thanks Anne Marie. It's all good if you're having fun!

  4. Your blog is an inspiration to me. I am new to the world of multi-media art, and i love the textures and layers - it is exciting.

    1. Thanks Dottie! I'm so glad to be able to inspire you with some fun ideas as you join this fun world of multi media art. Have a great time creating!

  5. I hopped on over from the FB group and am now following :) I'm posting my lessons on my blog also. LOVE how colorful and vibrant your covers turned out!

  6. Such an amazing spread! Love it. great entry for the Liquitex entry. Thank you for playing along in CJS2014!

  7. Love all those layers!! I also joined CJS this year and have had so much fun. Lot's to learn again this year, right?! ~Debbie

  8. What a fabulous collage! Its so rich in texture and layering. Love the blue in this too!

    1. Thank you Mandy. I'm really enjoying looking at it as I go to do my dailies on the monthly calendar pages.


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