
Monday, January 13, 2014

2014 Art Journal Adventures...

On Friday I showed you the cover art on my new journal for 2014, and today the inside title page is done...

I've signed up for Joanne Sharpe's Draw Your Awesome Year online class, and I've decided to make it a part of my overall 2014 art journal. You see, Joanne suggested a journal with 64 pages to accommodate all that we'll be doing in her class.  However, I chose a journal that has about twice as many pages so that I could include some other pages, as my muse calls to me.

Needless to say, for those of you doing Joanne's class, I can't go ahead and do my table of contents yet because I need to wait and see what I end up with before I commit to that.  As with my experience from academic work, I think I'll do my table of contents at the end of the whole process.


  1. Linda! That's a great idea! My DH suggested it as I haven't finished any of her classes yet! Love 'em, just can't get to them all as fast! I'm gonna do the contents, but with a twist! :) Great job on your cover!

    1. Thanks CC. I find Joanne puts so much into the classes that I just can't keep up and really don't want to...I want to take my time and enjoy the process!


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