
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Simple Solution...

This piece is back on track.  Last week I showed you the stitching I had started in the shadow areas, and I was saying that it wasn't working for me.  Well, it turns out I just needed to lengthen the stitch and put it on a 45ยบ angle to achieve the texture I want, with enough contrast to show up.  This stitching should be done soon (I hope) so that I can get to the machine quilting of the background.

I'll be back with an extra post tomorrow, to reveal the finished piece that I've called 'Stepping Stones'.  If you're a new follower, it began with a skein of thread as inspiration and then involved a lot of hand stitching that you can see here and here.  

Have a great day!


  1. Love you project, what a tremendous amount of work with those stitches, still fabulous effect!

    1. Thanks Valerie. It is a lot of hand stitching, but very enjoyable to work on while listening to TV.

  2. Wow! What a difference. So glad you figured it out. The longer angled stitches so enhances the depth and lengthening of the shadows transforming a intriguing work into a stupendous work!

  3. Wow...changing the stitch really made a difference. Hope you show it tonight.

    1. Thanks Leah. And yes, you'll see it when you come over tonight.

  4. This really pushes the texture right out, great looking piece so far. xox

    1. Thanks Corrine. I'm really happy with it now. Machine stitching will come soon!


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