
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Still Adding Hand Stitch...

If you read Monday's post, you'll know I've been a little distracted from my art in the last week thanks to our new foster puppy, Dime.
I am managing to do some hand stitching while he naps, but when he's up it's pretty busy around here with play, training, and walks, etc.

I've just about finished the hand stitched texture I wanted to add to this piece, so I may have to set it aside for a little while before I can get to the machine work I have planned for it.  I can't imagine taking Dime into the studio so I can do some machine work at this stage...just too many dangerous things for the little guy to get in to!

In addition to the Sorbello stitch and the 'triple' stitch I showed you in a post last week, I've added some French knots and some very random cross stitches.

As you may have figured out from the photos I've shared, this piece will actually be made up of a number of smaller pieces (five to be exact) that will come together to make the larger piece.

Maybe I'll be able to share more on this piece by this time next week.

Until then, I'm going to pull out a piece I started working on back in the Spring, before my hand stitching was sidelined by the cycling accident and the resulting fractured wrist and injured finger.  It's based on a photo I took, and I'm excited about the direction it is going so far.

I hope you're all having a fabulous week!

Linking to WIP Wednesday.


  1. Linda, Love this and those beautiful stitches!

    1. Thanks Lynda. I can't wait until I can get some time to do the machine work.

  2. Hmmmm, intriguing! I can't wait to see the reveal.

    1. Thanks Anne Marie. I'm excited to finish it...hopefully soon!

  3. You do such lovely hand work, even while distracted! :)

    1. Thanks Elle! He's such a delightful distraction too!


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