
Monday, October 28, 2013

Oh Look...A Distraction!

We've got a new little fellow in our lives.  I've become a foster 'mom' for a future dog guide puppy.  His name is Dime and he's 8 wks old.  He's very clever and is adjusting well to our home.  I do laugh at him when outside because he's very easily distracted by every leaf he sees, thus the title of the post.  Needless to say, being fall there are a lot of distractions outside. LOL

Casey seems to like him and they've already had a few great play sessions.  It's really hard to believe she's 13 yrs. old when you see her romping and wrestling with Dime!

Although he's crate training, and therefore sleeps in his crate, sometime after playing he does snooze with Casey for a bit before going into his crate for nap time.

Linking up with Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday.


  1. Too cute for words! And how great of you to foster a future guide dog!

    1. Thanks Jean. I think it's a great volunteer position for such an important cause.

  2. He's really quite adorable!!! A puppy with ADD. LOL!

    1. Isn't he! And today he's had such a good day. He even walked through a park at a heal, and didn't pay any attention to the noisy Canada Geese right near by! No ADD for this little guy!

  3. Oh my gosh is he cute. Love when the dogs cuddle up....he looks like a perfect trainee. xox

    1. He is the perfect trainee Corrine! Such a clever little fellow.

  4. I heart him and his name "Dime"!

    1. Thanks Margie. The foundation named him, and he's learned it really quickly!


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