
Monday, September 2, 2013

Downy Woodpeckers...

As I've said before, you just never know what you might see at our cottage.  Today's post features the beautiful Downy Woodpecker.  As you can see, this female has learned that the hummingbird feeder is a great place for a sweet drink.

The woodpeckers also enjoy the peanuts we put out on the railing. Here the male is helping himself.
In the next several shots you see an adult (l) feeding the youth (r).  Although he's adult sized, this 'big baby' cries for his food and is quite persistent until he's fed!


  1. Some pretty AMAZING photos Linda!!!

    1. Thanks Maria. Life at the cottage always brings so many wonderful new experiences!

  2. Linda ~ what sweet photos and done so well ~ thanks, carol, xo

  3. A great series of photos. That's pretty smart for the woodpecker to learn to feed from the hummingbird feeder.

    1. Thanks Mick. The Downy and the larger Hairy woodpeckers are the only other birds that seem to like the sweat drink from the Hummingbird feeder.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Jim. They are a beautiful bird, even though the one shot makes the eye look rather creepy.

  5. Those are wonderful treat your birds well ! I always laugh when I see those big babies still begging for food! Leaving the nest is hard for more than one species ;))

  6. What amazing photographs Linda!! I love those woodpeckers they look so sweet eating the peanuts. I just read your previous post about your beautiful cat, i hope everything is ok, what an awful thought to have fallen in a fissure.

    1. Thanks! And thank you for your concern for our cat. Sadly fishers can be vicious creatures and we've lost hope that Arbour will return.

  7. Never turn down a drink!! I used to get woodpeckers outside of my window in the UK by pushing peanuts into cracks in the bark of trees.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

    PS: This would be a great post for Wild Bird Wednesday - which will open on my blog in about 5 hours.

  8. Great series of photos and I love the cute Downy woodpeckers!

  9. I love our Downy's. They seem a little different than yours, but your pictures are wonderful, especially catching the parent feeding the persistent child. Very nice series ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  10. What a really nice series of images of the Downy Woodpecker! It's amazing how opportunistic birds (and most wildlife) can be!

  11. Hi Linda I'm new to One World Tuesday and am blown away by the quality of everyone's work... and your photos are not exception they're amazing, I do love a good bird blog!

    1. Thanks and welcome! And yes, there are some great photographers that share their images for Our World Tuesday.

  12. Wonderful shots of the woodpeckers!

  13. Awe, you got some really sweet images to share...darling~


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