
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Our Pets...

It's been a pretty rough week around here for our pets.  Arbour, our 11 year old cat, has gone missing and we fear she may have fallen prey to a fisher.  We've learned since her disappearance that there are more fishers around this area than usual this year. 
Casey was two when we got Arbour and she's always been a bit of a mom to her cat.  As a kitten Arbour would just climb into that little nook in Casey's 'arms' and that's how they'd sleep. Needless to say, Casey has been missing her cat as have we.
To make things worse, Casey started limping on Wednesday and she spent last night in hospital, having had to have a minor surgery to have her damaged 'toe nail' removed.  The claw may grow back, but in the mean time the limp is almost completely gone and she's happy to be resting comfortably at home!  How do you like that cute bandage.  LOL

 Earlier in the summer, when my friend, Heather came to visit, she asked me to back her car down our large hill as she's not as comfortable with it as I am.  Casey, always by my side, followed me up the hill, so Heather told me to invite her in the car and give her a ride back down.  Well, Casey happily jumped in, and when at the bottom of the hill she just curled up on the seat and went to sleep.  She slept there for an hour before we were able to coax her out!  Silly old puppy...(she turned 13 in June, but will always be my puppy!)


  1. So sorry about Arbour. Our pets are family too. I hope she turns up for you and for Casey.

    1. Thanks Susan. They sure are family members. Casey's recovering well!

  2. I'm sorry to hear your cat is missing. Pets are part of our family and it's difficult when they're sick or missing. I'll keep you and Arbour in my thoughts and send good wishes for her safe return. And also for Casey's quick recovery.

    1. Thanks Pat. We're thrilled that Casey is recovering well. Still sleepy from the anesthetic, but walking much better when she is up.

  3. Oh dear, so sorry about Arbour, I hope she comes home to you. Cuddles to Casey, I'm glad she's recovering.

    1. Thanks so much. No sign of Arbour...we don't expect to see her again, but Casey is healing well.

  4. Oh no!!! Please I hope that all will be well. I love love love cats and know how hard it is when something happens to one of my fur babies. I hope sweet Casey feels better soon. Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks Asha. Casey is coming along well. Apart from wearing one of my socks on her paw to keep from licking the area, she's doing very well!

  5. OH, I'm so sorry about your lost kitty. I hope she comes home real soon.

    1. Thanks Lynda. Sadly we don't expect we'll see her again.

  6. Sorry to hear about your kitty. We have fischers and coyote here and they really go after the kitties. Glad the pup is recovering. We have only dogs, all rescues now 12,10,3 and 2. Our 12 year old lab is really starting to show his age but he still smiles on his walks, but I notice naps are alot longer. xox

    1. Thanks Corrine. I know what you mean about naps. Casey's naps are longer and walks are shorter, but over all she's in excellent shape...for 13 yrs old, we're really lucky! When her toes' not sore she sometimes still romps around like a puppy!

  7. Oh Linda. I have never heard of a fisher, so thank you for the link. We are in the south (GA), and have minks. A year ago, one jumped a baby rabbit right in front of my truck driving out! Since living in the woods the last 21 years, we have lost 2 cats. Probably to coyotes. A neighbor is seeing up to 3 foxes at once in his yard across the river from us. Might be the reason we haven't seen any baby ducks or turkeys. Redman once disappeared for 2 weeks, but made it home from whereever he was. I'll be thinking of Arbour and hoping she finds her way home soon.

    1. Thanks. Fishers are nasty little creatures. A lot more vicious than they look! Sadly we don't expect to see Arbour again.


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