
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Another Journal...

As I may have mentioned in the past, my fibre art group makes journals that we donate to our local women's shelter as a way of giving something back to the community.  Each of us commits to making three journals, so that we can donate a total of 30.  I've made several journals in the last couple of months, but they keep finding homes!  And so I've had to make another one so that I have three ready to go for our deadline this month.

 I used some of my hand dyed fabric, but I wanted to add a bit more of a graphic element so I did some surface design by using Jane Lefazio's Eucalyptus stencil and some acrylic paint.
I love the added texture.  Obviously I was in a circle mood so I cut lots of circles and rings from the fabric.

I'm almost sorry that I used this fun piece of a wipe up rag as the lining.  the more I look at it the more I wish I'd used parts of it in a piece of art rather than as a hidden lining!  Oh well, there will be more wipe up rags...

After fusing the circles and rings to the background I did some zig zag top stitching and called it done.

And here's 'Chain Link Journal'.  May it bring hours of drawing, writing, or journalling pleasure to it's new recipient!


  1. Linda, Beautiful! I hope she enjoys this little piece of art. What a wonderful project. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Lynda. I'm sure that all of the journals donated will be much appreciated and well used.

  2. Your journal is truly a piece of art!

    1. Thanks. It feels good to be able to do something kind and and useful for others.

  3. What a worthwhile thing for you to do! I envy you your group. I'm just getting back into things so you'll see more in the blog soon. Check it out in a couple of days for the little beaded doll I made. That was a first and for a swap no less!!

    Any BJP done for this year? I haven't even started mine.

    1. Thank you Ann Marie. I look forward to seeing what you're up to...

      I have to admit I have neglected BJP this year. I did the first tow months but them got side tracked with other things. I do hope to finished, probably this winter, but this may be my last formal year of involvement.

  4. BTW, nice journal! I'm a big fan of circles.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Isabelle. It's fun to create something that is uniquely my own.

  6. I love the journal cover and I hope the recipient loves it, too. What a great project to give journals to the women's shelter.

    1. Thank you Janet. It's great to be able to give back to the community.


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