
Friday, September 13, 2013

And Along Came A Spider...

Well, it's finally done!  Each time I did some hand stitching on this piece, more ideas for additional hand stitching just kept popping into my head.  Ultimately, I've done way more hand work on this piece than I had initially expected to, but I just love how it turned out.  A bit of machine quilting/doodling and a few finishing touches (hanging tabs, embroidered binding and the fabric covered hanging rod), it's finally time to hang it and move on to other things.

I should tell you how it got it's name...I kept thinking it would be Indigo 'something', but nothing came to mind that made me happy.  Then one day, while looking at this section my husband said it looked like a spider web. I had done a lot of hand stitch in the darker areas, leaving the light lines created by the string or elastic bands that had bound the fabric during the indigo dyeing process.  They did indeed look a bit web like.  And then I saw the spider just sitting there (see him in the red circle?).  I did some machine stitching to further bring out the web and then hand stitched over the spider to make it pop.  So you see, one day the spider did literally just come along!                                                                                                                       
BTW, Michelle, the fabric was adhered to the hanging rod using the transparent Paverpol.  There, I've finally used some of it!


  1. I love this piece. Your indigo dyeing really pops with all your stitching. Glad to hear you used dipped into your Paverpol as well ;). In hindsight I wish I had ordered clear instead of the grey.

    Stay inspired!

    1. Thanks Michelle. And yes, the transparent is fabulous because your fabric shows through in the original colour, but I guess it depends on what you're using it for. It might be good to have a second pot so you have both. ;o)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Jean. It was a great piece to work on. Doing all the hand stitching was very relaxing...good stress relief!

  3. Linda, what do you do with all of these creations? I don't recall you're mentioning selling them. Do you have super-quilty walls? :-)

    1. Some do hang on my walls. Others hang in galleries or are shown during talks that our group gives. If you're interested in purchasing anything, let me know and we can talk.

  4. I'm really quite partial to a spot of Indigo dying so this piece ticks all my boxes Linda, it's absolutely beautiful.


    1. Thanks Lin! I must say I've really enjoyed the Indigo dyeing and working with the resulting fabrics this summer. I have lots more, so I'll be incorporating it into future pieces too!

  5. That's so beautiful, I love the little spider.

  6. It's fabulous and I love the story about the name. Paterson is cool stuff!

    1. Thanks Vicki. And yes, Patterson's books are great, quick reads.

  7. This is beyond fabulous Linda. I love all the hand work and the discharge and wow, just wow. xox

    1. Thank you Corrine. The hand work was a lot of fun. Actually no discharge dyeing involved at all...just lots of shibori indigo dyeing.

  8. this is lovely Linda. I have added your blog site to my site-check it out.


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