
Sunday, August 4, 2013

An ATC Develops...

I'm participating in an ATC swap via Facebook, and yesterday I got the art supplies out for a bit of play time.  The August theme is 'Things With Wings".

I started with a scrap bit of cardboard which I roughed up a bit with sandpaper and then applied a thin coat of gesso to both sides.  The text that shows through just gives a bit of extra texture.
 Next I used spray inks and distress stain to add colour.  I used a couple of my StencilGirl stencils too.
This is Terri Stegmiller's 'Blades' stencil.  I flip the stencil over onto a page of text to use up the excess ink.

I added various elements by tearing pieces of previously embellished papers I had lying around. I tore a branch from the text page used to 'clean' my stencils and then I cut out and coloured a bird that was lightly stamped on scrap paper one da when I was cleaning that stamp.  I spritzed it with the blue spray ink, but if you srr it in person, you can see the black ink from the original ink show through.

 Using the tube in the spray ink bottle, I 'draw' a thin border around the edge on both front and back.

I then added some finishing touches with black and white pens, some letters cut out of the newspaper, and a few stickers and it was done.
And here's the finished ATC...


  1. Gorgeous ATC, the bird looks even better with the addition of the white highlighter.

    1. Thanks. That white Signo pen really does make things pop.

  2. Thank you for the tutorial! Your little bird card is such a sweet one!

    1. Thanks. These little ATCs make for a fun, quick art fix when I want to play. :o)

  3. What fun ATCs! Thanks for sharing your process. I like seeing how projects develop and you gave me a good idea about using the ink tube to draw a thin line. I'll be trying that!

    1. Thanks Janet. I'm so glad you got a useful tip you can try.

  4. Great idea, Linda...recycling the cardboard.

    1. Thanks Terri. I love reusing things when I can. It's less expensive too...leaving more money for other art supplies! ;o)


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