
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Birch Journal Cover

A while back I made a journal cover and I really liked the process, so I've decided to make more using the same basic technique.

I start with muslin that has been soaked in a 50/50 mixture of PVA glue and water, which gives it nice body and a wrinkled texture. After soaking the fabric, hang it to dry. Once dry, you're ready to start painting.

I use a make-up sponge to add a diluted acrylic paint to create the background.  In this case a sky and grass.

Then I used a StencilGirl stencil called Trees by Mary Beth Shaw. I traced over the outlines with black waterproof pen to highlight the trees and I added in some lines to create the birch bark effect.

The leaves were created using Web by Mary Beth Shaw.

And here's the completed journal cover.  Check back on July 22nd when I'll be doing a detailed tutorial, giving you the measurements  etc. for how to make one of these journal covers yourself.


  1. The trees look so pretty. I like the lacy leaves and the meadow background. Beautiful!!

  2. This is lovely! What a great effect you got with the glue, paint and stencil. For the leaves did you actually paint the fusible web itself or is it a translucent fabric? It really adds to the overall effect.

    1. Thanks Juanita. As for the birch leaves, there is no fusible or sheer fabric involved. I painted through a stencil directly on the canvas.

  3. Linda! This is awesome! You are going to have to do this tutorial over on the SG blog one day too!

    1. Thank you Maria. These journal covers are becoming a bit of an addiction. Too fun to make!

  4. Really nice. I even have the tree stencil! Can't wait for tutorial. I see the cast has not slowed you down.

    1. Thanks Candy. Art is what keeps me sane (although some might question my sanity LOL) so fractured scaphoid or not, the art must go on!

  5. I love the texture of the fabric.

  6. Wow I love that technique. Will now need to use it. Thanks

  7. I really like what you have done. Cannot wait for the tutorial. I also have the stencil. If I do not have the leave stencil can I draw them in?

    1. Thanks Glenda. Have fun with it. The tutorial will be posted Monday.

  8. Cool! Thank you for sharing how you made it. Take care and STAY POSITIVE!

  9. Ordering this stencil as it looks like the background to our wedding pic at Carolina Beach! Love it!! Please do a tutorial soon!

    1. Thanks. It's a great stencil and could be used in so many fun ways.

  10. lovely...and may I add that I LOVE your background on the blog. Makes me want to create something!

  11. WOW! So gorgeous!! Glad I clicked through from the link you had on the heart quilt piece posted today colored with the Neocolours. :D


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